Air University Press


Sharing the Journey: A Military Spouse Perspective

  • Published
  • By Dawn A. Goldfein with Dr. Paul J. Springer and Capt Katelynne R. Baier
  • Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL

A unit’s command team is the partnership among the commander, the senior noncommissioned officer (NCO), and a volunteer lead spouse. As the primary advisor, ambassador, and advocate for the spouses and families of members in the unit, finding the right person to undertake the critical role of volunteer lead spouse is one of the most important decisions a commander will make. Once a spouse in the unit decides to take on the role, it can be challenging and incredibly rewarding to navigate working with military leadership, state or local government, base programs and organizations, and other military spouses to take care of families. This book captures “words of wisdom” collected by Mrs. Dawn Goldfein, spouse of the 21st Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Gen David L. Goldfein over their 37-year career. For command teams that seek to understand and leverage the military “spouse network” of command, lead, key, and key spouse mentors within their unit or their installation, it offers a treasure trove of useful ideas and stories.

AuthorDawn A. Goldfein, Dr. Paul J. Springer and Capt Katelynne R. Baier, USAF
AU Press CodeB-167

Author of Sharing the Journey: A Military Spouse Perspective

Mrs. Dawn A. Goldfein is married to Gen David L. Goldfein, the 21st Chief of Staff of the USAF. She claims Texas as her home, although she grew up in a military family. Continuing the family tradition of a military lifestyle, she has accompanied her husband on 19 assignments around the globe, and they are now completing their latest adventure in Washington, DC. Inspired by a call to serve, she has dedicated her life to supporting her family and the Airmen and families of the USAF.
Mrs. Goldfein graduated with honors from Midwestern State University and holds a bachelor of science degree in education with a minor in biology. She has taught kindergarten, first grade, and third grade over the course of 29 years.Mrs. Goldfein is a full-time volunteer supporting and advocating on behalf of military families and children. She is an avid supporter of military families through her service in many organizations, such as the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC), the Ambassador Committee for Easter Seals, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), United Through Reading, and ThanksUSA, to name only a few. Additionally, she represents the Air Force as an Arlington Lady. For her countless hours of service, Mrs. Goldfein was recognized with the Distinguished Public Service Award in 2015.

General and Mrs. Goldfein met in high school in Kaiserslautern, Germany during the summer of 1976. They were married in Colorado Springs the day after Dave’s graduation from the Air Force Academy (didn’t want to rush) and have enjoyed 37 years together on their Air Force journey. They have two incredibly talented daughters who each followed them into their chosen profession. Danielle is a third-generation officer serving in the USAF; and Diana is a third-generation school teacher and fitness instructor. Both girls married their Texas A&M boyfriends who are wonderful young men that the Goldfeins are proud to call their sons-in-law. Two years ago, Dave and Dawn earned their most important callsigns ever as “Papa and Nana” when they were blessed with two gorgeous granddaughters.

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