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  • LEAP Spotlight: Tech Sgt. Volodymyr Palko

    “My first language intensive training event aiding U.S. Army Europe during the Ukraine crisis response immediately became the defining moment of my Air Force career to that point. I was in a situation for which I was uniquely qualified. The assignment gave me space to exercise my advanced level of

  • LEAP Spotlight: Staff Sgt. Sagar Khadka

    "Being a multi-language capable Airman, LEAP has taught me how my own actions can have a positive or negative impact in the Air Force. I am constantly utilizing the knowledge and experiences I’ve gained through LEAP. During OAR, I quickly became deeply involved with advocating multiple aspects of

  • LEAP Spotlight: Maj. Darrell Moyers

    "I leverage my skills and cultural understanding in ways that keep the U.S. as the preferred partner of choice in areas subject to influence by rival countries. Again, going back to understanding a language versus just knowing one, I can relate to partners in a way others cannot. As such, I can

  • Congratulations to LEAP Scholars Promoted to Colonel

    Congratulations to the LEAP Scholars and Foreign Area Officers who were recently promoted to the rank of Colonel in four Line of the Air Force developmental categories: Cross Functional Operations; Combat Support; Nuclear and Missile Operations; and Air Operations and Special Warfare.

  • AFCLC: Using Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture to Change the World

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center was officially born to fulfill a vision of a successful marriage of culture education and language training to deliberately develop within the General Purpose Force self-motivated, cross-culturally competent, and language-enabled service members with

  • LEAP Spotlight: Maj. Mark Poppler

    “The skills I’ve learned through LEAP of integrating into various other cultures is the biggest thing I use in my everyday mission. It allows me to better understand the motivations, views, and customs of people I interact with to effectively communicate and work with people in general," French LEAP

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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