AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom

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  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt. Aigerim Akhmetova

    “LEAP is a great program and positively impacts our strategic objectives by building and strengthening strategic alliances around the world. My latest LEAP opportunity, which was also my Language Intensive Training Event, was personal. It was personal because it meant I would have the opportunity to

  • LEAP Scholars to Present Live in Special Facebook Group

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Language Division is launching a new program to showcase the Language Enabled Airman Program Scholars and their highly specialized culture and language training. The program, called “LEAP Live,” will allow LEAP Scholars to deliver course projects live

  • Going the Extra Mile in Language Learning

    Although new to the Language Enabled Airman Program, Japanese LEAP Scholar Maj. Jacob McCauley is not a newcomer to the realm of language training. Since childhood, he studied to become proficient in both linguist and technical languages.

  • LEAP Spotlight: Tech Sgt. Trymaine Kelley

    “Being a LEAP Scholar is life-changing. Just recently, I re-took the DLPT test, and I got my highest scores ever. Now, not only do I get paid extra to know a language, but I also get to help out the Air Force and support missions I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. I have been to Costa Rica, Mexico

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt. Brian Reed

    “The Language Enabled Airman Program helped reinforce my perspective on just how important it is for United States and Japanese military forces to be able to effectively work together on a strategic, tactical, and operational level,” Japanese LEAP Scholar Capt. Brian Reed said.

  • LEAP Spotlight: LEAP to Space Force with SMSgt. Adrian Gaxiola

    “LEAP gave me skills and experiences I would have never gained within my AFSC. It also allowed me to serve in a PME role while being an intelligence professional. Currently, my role is to teach NCOA to Airmen and Guardians while helping the USSF stand up its first Enlisted PME Center. In the future,

  • LEAP Scholars Support FAMEX-21

    For the first time, the United States was designated as the “Nation of Honor” for this year’s Mexican Air Defense Trade Show, known as FAMEX. There to commemorate the moment was a team of Spanish-speaking LEAP Scholars, providing language support for the event through the Air Force Language and

  • What Happens If You Don’t Speak the Language?

    When Maj. Alex Watkins deployed to Turkey, it may not have been Language Enabled Airman Program-oriented, but she used her specialized skill set in ways that could help her redefine her career path.

  • Ramstein Airmen LEAP into learning new languages

    The Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is beneficial to the U.S. Air Force across worldwide relations and for interoperability. U.S. Air Force personnel describe their experiences and perspective of the volunteer-based program at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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