AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom

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  • Who Hugs the Man with a Knife for a Hand?

    Humans are humans, and our humanity remains consistent, throughout time and throughout the world. This consistency allows us to ask, and answer, some of the questions raised by anthropologists. Archeology, a subfield of anthropology, involves taking fragmented details of daily life and human

  • Air University Commander visits the Air Force Culture and Language Center

    Air University President and Commander Lieutenant General Anthony Cotton visited the Air Force Culture and Language Center Wednesday morning. During a briefing, he described the center’s work as “very beneficial”.“I didn’t even realize how many countries we are associated with,” Cotton said, “this

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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