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  • AFCLC: Using Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture to Change the World

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center was officially born to fulfill a vision of a successful marriage of culture education and language training to deliberately develop within the General Purpose Force self-motivated, cross-culturally competent, and language-enabled service members with

  • Accelerating Learning Through AFCLC’s Data-Driven Culture

    As charged by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. in his modified Action Orders, AFCLC utilizes data as the foundation to transform the way service members learn across all facets of USAF education while preparing them for strategic utilization anytime, anywhere. One resource AFCLC utilizes

  • AFCLC Now Offers Transcripts for Language Enabled Servicemembers

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center has incorporated an automated course transcript for servicemembers with an active Language Enabled Development Resource profile. The Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Transcript documents AFCLC-facilitated LREC courses, such as Language Intensive

  • Speaking Air-Forcefully: Defining “Cage / Re-Cage”

    When you finished getting spun up on gyroscopes and Air Force slang, you probably thought, “This information really re-caged my assumptions!” Actually, unless you’re in the Air Force, especially in the flying business, you are unlikely to use the word “re-cage.” The first time I heard this highly

  • Speaking Air Force-fully

    When I began working for the Air Force Culture and Language Center as a Subject Matter Expert in Culture (aka SME, pronounced like Capt Hook’s clownish pirate boatswain), I recognized that I was immersing myself in a culture that was fairly new to me – that of the United States Air Force. I quickly

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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