Jan. 28, 2025 AFCLC Video Designed to Help U.S. Allies and Partners Work with Americans In today’s landscape of Great Power Competition, the United States must fortify its alliances and partnerships worldwide. This effort is a two-way street. Just as we must grasp the languages and cultures of our allies and partners, we must also ensure that working with the United States is seamless
Sept. 9, 2021 LEAP: The Critical Link to Mission Success Arabic Language Enabled Airman Program Scholar Maj. Zachary Ziegler has been an instrumental member of LEAP, providing outstanding support on several Training Partnership Requests, including a major annual military exercise known as African Lion.
Aug. 6, 2021 LEAP Spotlight: Colonel Ceir Coral “As I go into my 36th year of service in the USAF, I can reflect on my opportunities to utilize my language skills and am fortunate to be a part of the tremendous, force-enabling LEAP; I am excited to see the continual growth in language and culture awareness,” Portuguese Brazilian Language Enabled
March 30, 2021 AFCLC Faculty Teach Intro to American Culture to Incoming International Officers The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Dr. Angelle Khachadoorian recently taught Squadron Officer School’s incoming class of International Officers via teleconference on the morning of 8 March. Dr. Khachadoorian, the AFCLC’s Professor of Anthropology, offered a light-hearted but informative
Oct. 8, 2020 304 Active Duty Airmen and Space Professionals Selected for AFCLC’s Language Enabled Airman Program Following a virtual selection board process this summer, the Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC) selected 304 Airmen for the Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP). The Active Duty selection board and AFCLC received 680 applications for the 2020 cycle.
Oct. 2, 2020 LEAP Spotlight: MSgt Oleksiy Redko “There are approximately 7,000 different languages and dialects in the world and thanks to my foreign background, I can freely communicate in three of them (English, Ukrainian, and Russian). However, during my involvement with the Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP), I realized that there are
Oct. 1, 2020 LEAP Officer and Enlisted Selectees to be Announced via PSDM on 8 October The Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC) virtually hosted the 2020 Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) Officer and Enlisted Selection Boards, 18-21 August 2020.
Sept. 15, 2020 LEAP Spotlight: Maj Jacob Jensen “I joined the Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) in 2010. I learned Portuguese while living in Brazil for two years doing community service before joining the Air Force. As a LEAP scholar, I was allowed to grow my language capabilities and go on a Language Intensive Training Event (LITE) in 2011
Sept. 3, 2020 LEAP Spotlight: Lt Kate Thormann “The Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is an incredible program that will most definitely help shape U.S. relations with other countries and determine the U.S.’s competitive edge in the global arena.
Sept. 1, 2020 AFCLC Faculty Profile: Dr. Kristin Hissong When you first meet Dr. Kristin Hissong, you learn very quickly not to judge the book by the cover. Her voice is friendly and disarming. She’s engaging and quickly draws you into a conversation on every level.