AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom

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  • Alabama Governor declares November as LREC Month

    Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has declared November as Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Month in honor of the 8th Annual Air University LREC Symposium, which will take place at Maxwell Air Force Base on 15-17 November 2023.

  • LEAP to FAO Spotlight: Lt. Col. Michael Ball

    "I owe the last six years and all my future career success to LEAP. Without LEAP, I would not be here today, building global relationships with 80 countries as a Division Chief at the International Officer School at Maxwell AFB, AL, and future FAO challenges I hope to meet as well," LEAP Scholar Lt.

  • AU LREC Symposium: LREC Skills, A Military Imperative

    Hundreds of service members, academics, scholars, and professionals in the language, regional expertise, and culture community gathered at Maxwell Air Force Base Oct. 19-21, 2022, to explore the importance of LREC skills to partner interoperability, adversary understanding, and military operations

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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