AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom

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  • LEAP Spotlight: Master Sgt. Oscar Pena

    The Language Enabled Airman Program is an incredible program that was key to my staying in the Air Force. It has allowed me to experience things outside of my career field, work with partner nations, participate in their culture experience, and feel an extremely satisfying sense of fulfillment.

  • LEAP Spotlight – Tech. Sgt. Alexander Kozyerinsky

    Growing up in Ukraine, I always wanted to join the U.S. military. Influenced by many Western action films, I dreamed of becoming a Marine one day who would inevitably save the world. In 2002, my family was allowed to immigrate to the United States, bringing me closer to realizing my dream.

  • LEAP Spotlight: Master Sgt. Luisa Martinez

    "Being there also helped the Panamanians improve their perspective of Americans. I showed them I understood their feelings toward the U.S. military and gave them a space to have those conversations while showing them we related to them. By the end of the experience, we had shifted mindsets to the

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt Zechariah Sparrow

    "Remember that you are not applying to learn a language but a people. You are applying to learn how to connect to another culture and open doors for the United States military," said Russian LEAP Scholar Capt. Zechariah Sparrow.

  • LEAP Spotlight: Maj. Joanne Whitlock

    "LEAP has given me the opportunity to be closer to my heritage and language while representing the Air Force. More than ever, the Air Force values cultural competency and language proficiency," Tagalog LEAP Scholar Maj. Joanne Whitlock said.

  • LEAP Spotlight: Tech. Sgt. Christopher Wood

    "I feel like being in LEAP has opened my eyes to how much language and cultural awareness is being talked about by our senior leaders, like General Brown and Chief Bass. LEAP does much more than just enhance language. It helps you understand the intricate details of the language and culture," German

  • LEAP Spotlight: Tech Sgt. Volodymyr Palko

    “My first language intensive training event aiding U.S. Army Europe during the Ukraine crisis response immediately became the defining moment of my Air Force career to that point. I was in a situation for which I was uniquely qualified. The assignment gave me space to exercise my advanced level of

  • LEAP Spotlight: Maj. Darrell Moyers

    "I leverage my skills and cultural understanding in ways that keep the U.S. as the preferred partner of choice in areas subject to influence by rival countries. Again, going back to understanding a language versus just knowing one, I can relate to partners in a way others cannot. As such, I can

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt. Kenny Maeng

    “It’s been amazing being a part of LEAP because it has helped me to improve my language skills and allowed me to return back to my birthplace to gain cultural/regional expertise. As a LEAP Scholar, I know I play a big role in meeting not only the Secretary of Defense’s priority of strengthening

  • LEAP Spotlight: Maj. Jonathan Vazquez

    “We live in a multi-polar world where cultural and language skills are essential to the Air Force mission. Those skills increase our military lethality and shape our interactions with our allies and partners,” Spanish Language Enabled Airman Program Scholar Maj. Jonathan Vazquez said.

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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