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  • LEAP Spotlight: Staff Sgt. Yelyzaveta Schierer

    "LEAP has given me a chance to support the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian crisis by deploying me to establish communication between NATO leadership and Ukrainian forces as a Training Partnership Request," Serbian Croatian LEAP Scholar Staff Sgt. Yelyzaveta Schierer said.

  • LEAP Spotlight: Master Sgt. Ricardo Cepeda Pastrana

    "LEAP has helped me see the value of coming in with LREC skills, particularly now that there is a great emphasis on the Multi-Capable Airmen concept. If you’re a LEAP Scholar, consider yourself a screened and well-qualified MCA with a unique skillset that can’t be gained in a few weeks’ course,"

  • LEAP Spotlight: SMSgt Martha “Priscilla” Meza

    “I believe LEAP is the art of cultural competency. LEAP and Intel go hand in hand. I can fuse my Intel background and Spanish speaking abilities to educate Airmen here on Kadena Air Base,” Spanish language LEAP Scholar Senior Master Sgt. Martha Meza said.

  • LEAP to FAO Spotlight: Maj. Logan Barlow

    “Being a FAO, I utilize my LREC skillset along with operational relevance to engage with our bilateral partners regularly; but you don’t have to be a FAO to do that. Being good at your tactical skill set, and having LREC skills, empowers Airmen to be more lethal as a force. To remain tactically

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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