Jan. 28, 2025 AFCLC Video Designed to Help U.S. Allies and Partners Work with Americans In today’s landscape of Great Power Competition, the United States must fortify its alliances and partnerships worldwide. This effort is a two-way street. Just as we must grasp the languages and cultures of our allies and partners, we must also ensure that working with the United States is seamless
Jan. 25, 2024 571st MSAS prepares for partner nation integration with AFCLC’s SOUTHCOM Podcast Air Advisors from the 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron are utilizing the Air Force Culture and Language Center’s monthly Pulso Regional Podcast – available on the Culture Guide app – as a resource to stay abreast of current events and news in the SOUTHCOM AOR while enhancing their Spanish
Jan. 3, 2024 AFCLC Spotlight: Sarah McKay The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Culture Guide app provides cross-cultural education to the Department of Defense through a comprehensive list of Expeditionary Culture Field Guides for more than 80 countries. Sarah McKay is one of the team members who works behind the scenes to bring
Dec. 15, 2023 AFCLC releases ‘Introduction to the Philippines’ course on mobile app The Air Force Culture and Language Center recently released an “Introduction to the Philippines” course on its free Culture Guide mobile app – one of 10 Department of the Air Force-certified courses available via the app and the myLearning platform.
Oct. 16, 2023 AFCLC now has 17 Field Guides focused on the Indo-Pacific region Keeping in step with the recently released PACAF Strategy 2030 Evolving Airpower, the Air Force Culture and Language Center has released the latest of its Expeditionary Culture Field Guides specifically focused on the Indo-Pacific region. These 17 culture guides are easily accessible on the AFCLC
March 30, 2023 Developing Resilience to Misinformation and Disinformation The United States National Security Strategy recognizes the need to combat misinformation and disinformation to employ integrated deterrence successfully. The Air Force Culture and Language Center addresses that priority through an educational video series on its Culture Guide app focused on helping
Feb. 2, 2023 Language and Culture: Key Enablers of Agile Combat Employment A new video developed by the Air Force Culture and Language Center illustrates the vital integration of language, regional expertise, and culture skills as key enablers of Agile Combat Employment.
Dec. 20, 2022 Introduction to South Korea Course Available on Culture Guide app The Air Force Culture and Language Center recently released an “Introduction to South Korea” culture course on its free Culture Guide mobile app.
Aug. 17, 2022 AFCLC Culture Courses for Expeditionary Readiness Available Now in MyLearning The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s culture courses for expeditionary readiness are now available via the United States Air Force MyLearning platform in addition to AFCLC’s Culture Guide mobile app for course credit.
June 27, 2022 Task Force Liberty Cultural Team Uses AFCLC Culture Guide app for Mission Training The Cultural Advisement and Assessment Team at Task Force Liberty, led by United States Space Force Guardians Lt. Col. Adam Howland and Capt. Ronald Miller, implemented a culture training regimen for the task force using the Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Culture Guide app. This task force