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  • LEAP Scholar Provides Language Support to 2d SFAB

    Arabic LEAP scholar Staff Sgt. Abdullah Azzam is providing language support to the U.S. Army’s 2d Security Force Assistance Brigade in North Africa through the Air Force Culture and Language’s Training Partnership Request program, creating a significant impact to the initial rapport-building phase

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt. Fiona Akoth

    “My story starts in a rural town in western Kenya, which is on the eastern side of Africa. I grew up in Kisumu City, right off the coast of Lake Victoria, and when I was 13, we moved to the United States. I went to middle and high school in Texas, and it was at that time that I learned about the

  • Zooming Ahead with Distance Learning

    Throughout October 2020, the Air Force Culture and Language Center piloted an unprecedented learning model: virtual Language, Regional Expertise and Culture sessions for Africa instructed by Language Enabled Airman Program scholars, a foreign area officer, and AFCLC faculty via ZoomGov.

  • LEAP Scholars Contribute to Safeguarding Gabon’s National Parks

    In 2002, the government of Gabon made history by creating 13 national parks, protecting over 10% of the country’s landmass. In turn, Gabon’s National Agency for National Parks (ANPN) was created in order to manage the national parks, protecting the wildlife and environment, and increasing

  • Visiting and Learning from Africa’s Expeditionary Air Bases

    Standing in the Grand Mosque of Agadez in Niger, Dr. Scott Edmondson knew this was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Assistant Professor of Regional and Cultural Studies (Africa) had been to Africa many times but admitted he’s never seen Niger like

  • When You Know You’re Right Where You’re Supposed to Be

    It should have been an uneventful flight. Washington, DC, to Brussels, Belgium, to Kigali, Rwanda, where Maj Ryan Hess would begin the first leg of his in-region training in Africa. “I think I have a trump card for one of the worst travel stories of all time,” Hess laughed. “Anytime someone says

  • LEAP Spotlight: MSgt Alain Mukendi

    “Last June, AFCLC and LEAP gave me the opportunity to assist the U.S. Army Cadet Command summer program in a six-week training mission to the Republic of Congo as linguistic and cultural regional subject matter expert.

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt Lesly Toussaint

    “I’ve been in the Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) for six years now and I speak Haitian Creole, French, and English. Professionally, AFCLC helped me develop insight and critical thinking within my primary AFSC.

  • AFCLC Adds New eMentor Courses for Wolof and Twi Languages

    In March 2020, Gen Stephen Townsend, Commander, U.S. Africa Command, commented that “a secure and stable Africa remains an enduring American interest…I believe in Africa building partner capacity and counterterrorism efforts or counter VEO (Violent Extremist Organization) efforts are a way we do

  • LEAP Perspective: Returning home to Kenya

    Staring into the eyes of more than a dozen children at Mogra Children’s Centre and orphanage, Second Lieutenant Levi Mburu realized his life had come full circle---from Kenya to the United States and back to his homeland again. Once a young Kenyan boy, he was now a man and was at the orphanage

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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