AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom

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  • LEAP Spotlight: LEAP to Space Force with SMSgt. Adrian Gaxiola

    “LEAP gave me skills and experiences I would have never gained within my AFSC. It also allowed me to serve in a PME role while being an intelligence professional. Currently, my role is to teach NCOA to Airmen and Guardians while helping the USSF stand up its first Enlisted PME Center. In the future,

  • LEAP Scholars Support FAMEX-21

    For the first time, the United States was designated as the “Nation of Honor” for this year’s Mexican Air Defense Trade Show, known as FAMEX. There to commemorate the moment was a team of Spanish-speaking LEAP Scholars, providing language support for the event through the Air Force Language and

  • What Happens If You Don’t Speak the Language?

    When Maj. Alex Watkins deployed to Turkey, it may not have been Language Enabled Airman Program-oriented, but she used her specialized skill set in ways that could help her redefine her career path.

  • AFCLC Faculty Profile: Dr. Susan Steen

    For Dr. Susan Steen, the Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Culture and Region Faculty Chair/Division Chief and Associate Professor of Cross-Cultural Communication, her teaching, administrative work, and research have always been deeply interconnected.

  • Building Better Service with Jessica Carroll

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center Team is equipped with experienced and dedicated individuals who ensure that our Language Enabled Airman Program Scholars, Foreign Area Officers, and other military personnel who utilize our services have everything they need to complete each mission. Team

  • Ramstein Airmen LEAP into learning new languages

    The Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is beneficial to the U.S. Air Force across worldwide relations and for interoperability. U.S. Air Force personnel describe their experiences and perspective of the volunteer-based program at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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