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  • LEAP Spotlight: Master Sgt. Luisa Martinez

    "Being there also helped the Panamanians improve their perspective of Americans. I showed them I understood their feelings toward the U.S. military and gave them a space to have those conversations while showing them we related to them. By the end of the experience, we had shifted mindsets to the

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt. Jack Corriere

    "There are a lot of pilots who don’t know about LEAP and think the only job they can have is being a pilot. They don't know you can do LEAP and be afforded these amazing opportunities while you are a pilot. You can have the best of both worlds if you are a pilot who speaks another language. We need

  • LEAP Spotlight: Senior Master Sgt. Alejandro Velez

    "By empowering our multicultural people, we will remain the partner nation of choice because we are the only nation capable of delivering needed support in any language, for any culture, any place and at any time," Spanish LEAP Scholar Senior Master Sgt. Alejandro Velez said.

  • LEAP Scholars participate in Argentina Advanced Special Emphasis Course

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s U.S. Southern Command expert, Dr. Daniel Uribe, recently served as a guide for seven Language Enabled Airman Program Scholars who participated in an Advanced Special Emphasis Course in Argentina. This ASE course is one of AFCLC’s many training tactics

  • LEAP Spotlight: Master Sgt. Ricardo Cepeda Pastrana

    "LEAP has helped me see the value of coming in with LREC skills, particularly now that there is a great emphasis on the Multi-Capable Airmen concept. If you’re a LEAP Scholar, consider yourself a screened and well-qualified MCA with a unique skillset that can’t be gained in a few weeks’ course,"

  • LEAP Spotlight: Capt. Jessica Lugan

    'Participating in LEAP not only prepares me for work in interoperability, but also to serve in my current position. I feel equipped and prepared in my ability to make our patients feel comfortable and heard. Having exposure to other cultures has given me more empathy and understanding to better

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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