Peifer, Elizabeth. 2021. “The Language of Extremism,” Air University Language and Regional Expertise Symposium, Maxwell, AFB, October 13, 2021.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2021. “From Meme to Militancy: Aloha and Boogaloo,” Air University Language and Regional Expertise Symposium, Maxwell AFB, October 14, 2020.
Edmondson, Scott. 2019. “From Loot to Leverage, or Just Diplomacy? The Politics of African Cultural Heritage Protection and Repatriation,” International Studies Association International Conference, Accra, Ghana.
Peifer, Elizabeth and Patricia Fogarty. 2019. “Exercising Culture: From the Classroom to the Ops Center,” Air University Language and Regional Expertise Symposium, Maxwell AFB, AL.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2019. “Transnational White Nationalism and the New Face of the Far Right,” Countering Violent Extremism Symposium 2019. Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham, UK.
Edmondson, Scott. 2018. “Imagining Democracy & Security in West Africa,” African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2018. “Cultural Heritage & Property Protection,” Panel Organizer, Presenter and Discussant, Air University Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Symposium, Maxwell AFB.
Hissong, Kristin. 2018. “Islamic Populism? Balancing the nation-state and the ummah.” World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies. Seville, Spain.
Jordan, Jessica. 2018. “From Our Fathers: Japanese WWII ‘Good Luck Flags’ as Transnational Objects of War Memory.” Air University Language Region and Culture Symposium, Maxwell AFB, AL.
Jordan, Jessica. 2020. “Dilemmas of Global Basing: Assessing Scholarship and Teaching on Challenges Facing the
U.S. Forward Presence,” paper presented at Air University’s Language Region and Culture Symposium, Air War College, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base. 16 Oct 2020.
Jordan, Jessica. 2016. “Becoming Japanese in the South Sea Islands: Colonial Rule and Indigenous Islanders in the
Northern Marianas (1914-1944),” research talk presented for the “Talking About Asia” series hosted by the Asian Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh. 3 Feb 2016.
Jordan, Jessica. 2015. “Islands Too Beautiful for Their Names: Everyday Life and Postwar Nationalized Historiographies in the Northern Mariana Islands,” paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies conference, University of Pittsburgh. 10 Oct 2015.
Jordan, Jessica. 2014. “Colonial Subjects and Military Men: Experiences of the Pacific War (1941-1945) in the
Northern Mariana Islands Among Common and Elite Indigenous Islanders,” presented at the “Cultures in War: Combatants, Islanders, and Settlers in the Pacific War and After,” conference, Saipan. 14 Jun 2014.
Jordan, Jessica. 2014. “Hallowed Island: Battlefield Tourism, Memorials, and Sites of Memory in Saipan,”
presented at the “Transnationalizing Sites of Memory: The Asia Pacific” workshop at the University of Toronto, Canada. 10 May 2014.
Jordan, Jessica. 2014. “Broken Homes, Torn Families: U.S. National Security and Postwar Repatriation Campaigns in the Northern Mariana Islands,” presented on a panel called, “Security State: Interrogating U.S. Postwar Military and Prison Structures on the Islands of Kwajalein, Guam, and Alcatraz.” American Historical Association’s 128th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 4 Jan 2014.
Jordan, Jessica. 2013. “Islands Too Beautiful for their Names: Northern Mariana Indigenous Islander Memories and National Histories,” presented on a panel called, “Memories and Healing” at the 2nd Marianas History Conference, University of Guam. 31 Aug 2013.
Jordan, Jessica. 2012. “Surviving War in the Northern Mariana Islands: Remembering a Japanese Pagan Island,” presented at the “Marianas History Conference: One Archipelago, Many Stories,” Fiesta Resort, Garapan, Saipan. 16 Jun 2012.
Jordan, Jessica. 2012. “Living Colonialism: Researching Memories Between the Marianas and Japan,” presented at the “Transoceania 2012: Currents of Memory, Identity, and Representation Between the Islands of Japan and Oceania” conference. University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus. 14 Jul 2012.
Jordan, Jessica. 2011. “Making Sense of Colonialism: History and Memory in the Northern Mariana Islands,” presented at the 2nd Flying University of Transnational Humanities conference. Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. 26 June 2011.
Jordan, Jessica. 2010. “Narratives of Japan in the Northern Mariana Islands” presented on a panel called “Japan and
the Pacific Islands: Former Legacies and New Articulations.” The Fourteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo. 20 June 2010.
Jordan, Jessica. 2003. “Sensô no Kioku: Senzen Kitamariana Shotô ni ijyûshiteita Nihonjin no baai”, [“War Memory:
The case of Japanese prewar residents of the Northern Mariana Islands”]. Presented at a public conference concluding of the Inter-University Center program, Yokohama, Japan. May 2003.
Fogarty, Patricia and Elizabeth Peifer. 2018. “From Blue Shield to Blue Flag: Injecting CPP into Military Exercises.“ International Spatial Socio-Cultural Knowledge Workshop (SSKW), Culture in Conflict Symposium, Cranfield University/Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham, UK.
Edmondson, Scott. 2017. “Hand Go, Hand Come? Coalition-Building in Africa.” Panel Organizer, Presenter and Discussant, Air University Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Symposium, Maxwell AFB, AL.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2017. Panel Organizer and moderator, “Whither Europe?” Air University Language and Regional Expertise Symposium, Maxwell AFB, AL.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2017. “Expanding Counter-/Anti-Corruption Education in PME.” International Spatial Socio-Cultural Knowledge Workshop (SSKW), Culture in Conflict Symposium, Cranfield University/Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham, UK.
Edmondson, Scott. 2016. “What Does Religion Have to Do with Terrorism? Comparative Case Studies in West Africa.” African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Edmondson, Scott. 2016. “Ethnicity and State Power in the Aftermath of Violence,” Session Chair & Discussant at the African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Edmondson, Scott. 2016. “Analyzing AFRICOM’s ‘By, With, and Through’ Approach to Partner Nation Capacity Building,” Panel Organizer, Presenter and Discussant, Air University Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Symposium, Maxwell AFB, AL.
Edmondson, Scott. 2016. “Intersections of Religious and Nationalist Movements," Session Chair; “What Does Religion Have To Do With Boko Haram?: Comparative Case Studies in the Region,” Air University Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Symposium, Maxwell AFB, AL.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2016. “Lessons Learned from GOPAC (General Officer Pre-Deployment Acculturation Course).” Culture in Conflict Symposium, Cranfield University/Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham, UK.
Hissong, Kristin. 2016. “Rethinking Well-being.” Association for the Study of Nationalities. Columbia University, NY.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2015. “An Operational and Social Scientific Approach to Evaluating ‘Train, Advise, and Assist’ Missions in the USAF” Culture in Conflict Symposium, Cranfield University/Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham, UK.
Hissong, Kristin. 2015. “Nationalism, memory, and well-being.” Ethnicity, Nationalism and National Identity Network (ENNIN). “Nations, history and comparison: a conference on historical sociology and the study of nationalism”. University of Edinburgh, UK.
Hissong, Kristin. 2015. “Memory Capability and the Modern Middle East.” Humber College
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. “Mapping Nations, Locating Citizens”. Toronto, ON.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2015. “Hybrid Learning-Next Generation of Consortial Webinar Series on Blended Learning,” Association for Collaborative Leadership Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2015. “Politics and Memory: Remembering the fall of the Berlin Wall,” Annual Conference of the Alabama Political Science Association, Jacksonville, AL.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2015. “Marching for Freedom: The Marginalization of East German Dissidents in the Unification Narrative” Annual Meeting of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Montgomery, AL.
Fogarty, Patricia and Jennifer Tucker. 2014. “Educating Airmen About Systems Thinking & Civ-Mil Partnerships.” Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces, Ottawa, Canada.
Hissong, Kristin. 2014. “Dynamic Belonging: Moroccan Jews and the development of nationalist narratives in French Protectorate Morocco.” Association for the Study of Middle East and Africa (ASMEA). “Searching for Balance in the Middle East”. Washington D.C.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2014. “Trust and Accountability: Sexual Assault in the US Military,” College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Research and Creative Activities Symposium, Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL.
Gunther, Katie, Jennifer Tucker, and Patricia Fogarty. 2013. “Social Perspective Taking: A Cultural Analysis Skill for Effective Performance.” Poster, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Houston, TX.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2013. “The AFCLC Cultural Framework for Education and Research.” Society for Cross-Cultural Research conference, Mobile, AL.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2013. Chair of Session: “The Culture-Language Connection: Infusing Culture
Content into Foreign Language Curriculum at the Air Force Culture & Language Center.”
Society for Cross-Cultural Research conference, Mobile, AL.
Edmondson, Scott. 2011. “Text and Context in West African Film, Video and Television,” Session Chair; “An Akan-esque-scape in the ‘Pentecostalite’ Public Sphere? Routes for the Transmission of Culture and Power in Ghanaian Video Films” Paper and video, African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Edmondson, Scott. 2010. “Powers Against Powers: Ethnography, Pentecostalism, and Anti-Witchcraft Consultations in Ghana.” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2010. “Pentecostal Nationalism: Fighting the Sins of the Father for Mother Ghana.” Paper and video, South Eastern Regional Seminar on African Studies (SERSAS) and the South East Africa Network (SEAN) joint conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2010. “The Circulation of Anthropological Knowledge: The Air Force Culture & Language Center.” Poster, American Anthropological Association conference, New Orleans, LA.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2010. “The Introduction to Culture Course Curriculum at the Air Force Culture and Language Center.” Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research annual meeting, Spokane, WA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2009. “Taking a Stand Against ‘Witchcraft’ and ‘Magic’: What Anthropologists and Ghanaian Christians May (and May Not) Have in Common.” Paper and video, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2009. "Nana Okomfo Kasa: Responses from the Demonized Religious ‘Others’ to Ghanaian Christians." Paper and video, African Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2009. “African Influences,” Session Chair; “Pixel Powers and Spiritual Special Effects: The Aesthetics of Action and Fantastic Pragmatism in Ghanaian Video Films.” Paper and video, Western States Folklore Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2009. “Searching for Power(book) in the Ghanaian X–Scapes of Socio-Spiritual Conflict.” Paper and video, Joint Spring Meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology and the Society for the Anthropology of Religion, Asilomar, CA.
Edmondson, Scott. 2009. “The Witch of Endor Redux: The Biblical Basis of Spiritual Warfare in Ghanaian Gospel Music Videos.” Paper and video presented at the Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR) Regional Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC.
Fogarty, Patricia. 2009. “The Uses of Development Discourse in the Work of the Moldova Social Investment Fund. ” American Anthropological Association conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Peifer, Elizabeth. 2008. “Competing Narratives and Symbolic Uses of 1968,” invited presentation at the North Carolina German Studies Seminar and Workshop Series, Chapel Hill, NC.
Selmeski, Brian. 2008. “Anthropology for the (Military) Masses: a moral-practical argument for educational engagement.” American Anthropological Association conference, San Francisco, CA.