AFCLC faculty advise student research at the Air War College (AWC), the Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) and occasionally at other higher education institutions, such as the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT).
Research advised has included, more broadly: cross-cultural competence; cross-cultural and intercultural communication; cultural heritage and property protection; countering violent extremism; regional issues in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia; leadership, civil engineering (basing, for example), counter/anti-corruption, logistics, and human resources.
Sample student research includes:
Academic Year 2021 (AY21)
Lt Col Jennifer Lovett, United States Air Force. “U.S.-Japan Alliance: Renegotiating the Guidelines for Cooperation.” Feb 2021. Advisor: Dr Jessica Jordan
“Using the Power of Cultural and Language Training to Meet US Vital Interests,” Ms Branda Scott, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson
Academic Year 2019-2020 (AY20)
"Human Security and Great Power Competition in Africa: Balancing the Future Needs of USAFRICOM," LCDR Gabriel Burgi (USN), Maj Amy Natalini (USAF), Maj B. Cuthbert SOMDA (Burkina Faso), and Maj Fatima SANGARE (Mali), ACSC AY20. Awarded both the ACSC Dean's International Security Studies Award and the ACSC Commandant's Research Excellence Award, which "recognizes the top overall research product."
“Innovation in Air Force Discourse: Is Work Ethic Being Neutered?,” Lt Col Cory Baker, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“The History of Military Governance in Nigeria and Implications for US Policy,” Lt Col Casey J. Bartholomew, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“The Active Duty to Civilian Reintegration Dilemma: A Case Study on Veteran Reintegration,” Lt Col Brad Dean, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“The White Supremacy – Anti-government Movement and the US Military: The Lost Decade,” Mr. Calvin S. Hall, GG-15 / Colonel (Retired), Department of the Air Force, AWC, (Winner of Air Force Culture and Language Center Award), Advisor: Dr Elizabeth Peifer.
“Understanding Public Service Motivation in American Military Servicemembers and Government Civilians,” LTC Lindsay Matthews, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“Commander-Directed Investigations: A Viable Tool?” Lt Col L. Leilani Riley, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
Wing Commander Adrian Buckley, Royal Australian Air Force. “Future Roles for the Royal Australian Air Force in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.” May 2019. Advisor: Dr Jessica Jordan
Maj Kurt H. Eberle, United States Air Force. “But the Supreme Leader Made Me Do It! Transitional Justice in Reunified Korea.” Feb 2019. Advisor: Dr Jessica Jordan
Lt Col Matthew Kenkel, United States Air Force. “Air Power Shell Games: Examining the ACE CONOP in the South China Sea.” Feb 2020. Advisor: Dr Jessica Jordan
Academic Year 2018-2019 (AY19)
“Impacts of Colonialism on Instability in West Africa,” LTC Kristina Gray, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Exploiting Cultural Property and Heritage Protection for Strategic Effect,” Lt Col Nichole M. Harris, AWC, Advisor: Dr Elizabeth Peifer.
“Creating Effective Training for Cultural Property Protection (CPP) Awareness across the Department of Defense,” Lt Col Michael Schwan, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Assessing Deradicalization Approaches in Africa,” Ms. Stephana Sherwood, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“From Conflict Devastation to Tourist Destination: Rebuilding Cities After War,” Ms. Judith Tepperman, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
Academic Year 2017-2018 (AY18)
“Minors in the Bundeswehr: What Needs to be Changed,” Lt Col (GS) Lars Bamberger, German Air Force, AWC, Advisor: Dr Elizabeth Peifer. “Suicide Terrorism,” LTC Stacey Corn, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Africa Command and Medical Operations: Protecting Troops and Winning the Hearts and Minds,” Lt Col Gwendolyn Foster, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“Security Operations in Africa: The US Army Working By, With, and Through African Nations,” LTC Tony Gagnon, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Sustainment and Development: Exploring Ways to Support AFRICOM’s Logistics Strategy,’ LTC Wheeler Manning, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson. “Cultural Property Protection: Unearthing the Legal and Strategic Imperatives when Establishing Expeditionary Bases,” Lt Col Richard Martin, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“The Alamo Effect: Long-Term Social Impact Counter to US Interests,” Lt Col Molly Spedding, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Existential Threat and Religious Violence: Origins, Predictability, and Mitigation,” Lt Col Jonathan Wade, Chaplain, AWC. Winner of Air Force Culture and Language Center 2018 Award for best Professional Studies Paper on the strategic impact of culture. Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“The Strategy of Cultural Property Protection: Opportunity, not Obligation,” Col Danielle Willis, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Examining Training for Air Force Targeteers about Cultural Property Protection in Conflict,” Lt Col Steven Zasueta, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
Academic Year 2016-2017 (AY17)
“The Future of the State Partnership Program: Benefits, Policy and Leveraging,” Lt Col Doreen Chemotti, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“Beyond Integration.” LTC Nicole Heumphreus, LTC, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“Corruption in Mexico and the Effectiveness of the Merida Initiative,” Lt Col Steven Murphy, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
“Developing and Enhancing the Effectiveness of the African Standby Force (ASF) with Specific Focus on How the ASF is Sustained and Supported during a Deployment,” LTC William Norris, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“How to Improve Security Assistance for the Sahelian Countries using Lessons Learned from Previous US SOF Engagements in the Region: Case Study Mali,” Lt Col Babacar Thiam, Senegalese Air Force, AWC, Advisor: Dr Scott Edmondson.
“Cross-Cultural Competence and Understanding Corruption: Determinant of Mission Success,” LTC Barbara Tucker, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
Academic Year 2015-2016 (AY16)
“U.S. and Department of Defense Building Partnership Capacity and Counter/Anti-Corruption: A Symbiotic Relationship or One at Odds?” Lt Col Tony Lombardo, AWC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
Academic Year 2014-2015 (AY15)
“Construction and Reconstruction Efforts in Nation Building: Planning for Everything in Afghanistan Except the Afghans,” Maj Aaron Cooper, ACSC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.
Academic Year 2013-2014 (AY14)
“Air Force Medical Service Search for Authentic Role of Personnel in Humanitarian Operations: Promoting and Protecting Human Security,” Maj Angelique Vann Patterson, ACSC, Advisor: Dr Patricia Fogarty.