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LEAP Spotlight: Tech. Sgt. Emmanuel Franco-Heredia

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Tech. Sgt. Emmanuel Franco-Heredia completed his master’s degree in Logistics and Transportations in 2018. During that time, he also learned about the Language Enabled Airman Program offered by the Air Force Culture and Language Center.

“I heard about LEAP in 2018 through a good mentor at the time.  Once he explained the importance of the LEAP mission, I became instantly interested. In my opinion, having language enabled Airmen in our Air Force strengthens our capabilities across the globe.”

“My LEAP experience so far has been great. In 2019, I went on my first Language Intensive Training Event to San Jose, Costa Rica, where I become more proficient in writing and listening in Spanish. I am using my LEAP training in my current assignment by working as a logistics planner for Special Operations Command South. I am responsible for planning and executing logistical support actions for Special Operation Forces across the U.S. Southern Command’s 31 countries and 10 territories. My language proficiency has enabled me to communicate effectively with local vendors and military partners, ensuring logistics and transportation requirements are met for each exercise.”

--Spanish LEAP Scholar Tech. Sgt. Emmanuel Franco-Heredia

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