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Congratulations to LEAP Scholars promoted to Colonel (S)

  • Published
  • By Lori Quiller, AFCLC Outreach Team

Congratulations to the 23 Language Enabled Airman Program Scholars who were recently promoted to the rank of Colonel during this promotion cycle! The Air Force Culture and Language Center is extremely proud of these LEAP Scholars and wish them well in their future endeavors.

Col. (S) Stephen Alexander

Col. (S) Julian Benton

Col. (S) Juliana Bruns

Col. (S) Ellen Canup

Col. (S) Ricardo Colon

Col. (S) Eric Dittman

Col. (S) Jamila Fitzpatrick

Col. (S) Sarah Fortin

Col. (S) Corydon Jerch

Col. (S) Juan Jurado

Col. (S) Shawn Littleton

Col. (S) Sergei Medvedev

Col. (S) Oscar Palomino

Col. (S) Adrian Patrascu

Col. (S) Eric Rabarijaona

Col. (S) Justin Rex

Col. (S) Philemon Sakamoto

Col. (S) Matthew Stines

Col. (S) Maureen Tanner

Col. (S) Joshua Tyson

Col. (S) Terra Verbik

Col. (S) Trevor Weinert

Col. (S) Yesun Yoon

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551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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