AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom - Home Button

Expand List item 2556Collapse List item 2556  Attention Regional Expertise SEI 

Total Force Airmen and Guardians looking to qualify for the Regional Expertise Special Experience Identifiers (SEIs) were notified via PSDM 25-03 that to ensure Airmen and Guardians are well-prepared in applying their existing regional expertise, applicants are required to complete Developing Cross Cultural Competence and Developing Resilience to Misinformation/Disinformation as new eligibility requirements.

These courses may be accessed through our Culture Guide Mobile App, available on Android and iOS.


These courses are also available on MyLearning.

Developing Resilience to Misinformation/Disinformation

Developing Cross Cultural Competence

Culture Guide Mobile App

The AFCLC Culture Guide Mobile app is the go-to resource for on-the-go access to essential information about a variety of overseas location. Take advantage of the over 80 Expeditionary Culture Field Guide for a variety of resources and information. Complete Department of the Air Force – certified Culture Courses including Developing Cultural Competence (DCC) Course with more being added regularly. Access a variety of culture and region-specific videos and podcast directly through the app offline and untethered from government IT.


Download the "Global Classroom" today!

Download on Google Play
Download on the App Store


551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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