Identify Issues

This phase focuses on determining the strengths and weaknesses of local schools as well as their impact on readiness and quality of life at installation. DoD and DAF provide several tools to assess public education options and quality. Governance of K-12 schools is complex: Local Education Agencies (usually a board of education) administer schools. States and accrediting bodies provide most oversight. These entities provide publically available information that, when taken together with readiness and command data, can help identify issues. The installation School Liaison Office is the Command Team’s primary conduit to these external resources. 


DOD Resources

Federal & State Resources

  • Federal Impact Aid requests & allocations
  • States’ district & school annual “report cards”
  • State use of the Military Student Identifier
  • State intervention in local schools 
  • District/school accreditation results

Readiness Data

  • Retention rates
  • Assignment declination rates
  • Unaccompanied personnel rates
  • Voluntary/early reassignment rates
  • UMD fill rates

Installation Data

  • School Liaison Office surveys, trend data & reports
  • MAJCOM/NAF priorities & directives
  • Spouse groups’ unsolicited comments
  • Airmen/Guardian’s unsolicited comments
  • Focus groups of personnel & spouses
  • Surveys of personnel & spouses
  • Local/regional media coverage
  • Community feedback
  • Military OneSource

Examples of Success

Examples of Success