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Air & Space Operations Review Articles

  • One Team, One Fight: Department of the Air and Space Forces

    The Department of the Air Force should be renamed the Department of the Air and Space Forces, sig­naling a coequal status between leads for the air and space domains. Key structures under USSF and USAF should also be realigned to fall under the Secretary of the Air Force.

  • Commercial SATCOM: A Risk Mitigation Strategy

    The military’s dependency on commercial satellite communications technology raises concerns related to protection, control, reliability, interoperability, and access. A sound risk analysis provides solutions to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

  • Dealing with Disinformation: Barriers to Success and a Path Forward

    Working at the operational level, an “information fires team” will include military members skilled in global geopolitics, predictive analy­ses, metacognitive tools and theory, open-source information collection, and internal and exter­nal communication and messaging.