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Volume 30 Issue 2, Summer 2016

  • Published
  • Air & Space Power Journal, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL
Senior Leader Perspective

Fight the Base, Recover the Base, Win the War!
Fight the Base, Recover the Base, Win the War!

Maj Gen (sel) Bradley D. Spacy, USAF / Mr. Edwin H. Oshiba, USAF / Capt Nicholas J. Thomas, USAF, PE
The US military is at a strategic crossroad. The comparative advantage that it once held over the rest of the world's military powers has gradually declined, while both state and nonstate actors have become more aggressive and confrontational... 


Intelligence Support for the F-35A Lightning II
Intelligence Support for the F-35A Lightning II

Capt Stephanie Anne Fraioli, USAF
This article seeks to enlighten readers about the F-35's capabilities and mission-planning considerations, identify the aircraft's intelligence employment and dissemination gaps, and make recommendations for the way forward for Air Force unit-level... 

Feature Articles

Thinking beyond the Books: Sociological Biases of Our Military Institutions
Thinking beyond the Books: Sociological Biases of Our Military Institutions

Ben Zweibelson
This article takes a sociological and design approach towards the US Air Force's and US Army's 2014 professional reading lists to determine whether the overarching organizing logic of book selection operates from a single discipline perspective or... 

Institutional Memory and the US Air Force
Institutional Memory and the US Air Force

Lt Col Daniel J. Brown, USAF
This article examines the impact of institutional memory (a term often used interchangeably with institutional knowledge and organizational memory) on the United States Air Force. Lieutenant Colonel Brown argues that the... 

Command and Control of Joint Air Operations through Mission Command
Command and Control of Joint Air Operations through Mission Command

Col Trent R. Carpenter, USAF
To command and control (C2) joint air operations effectively in a contested and degraded environment, the US Air Force and joint community must instill the concepts and principles of mission command in their culture. To do so, operational- and... 

Flexible, Smart, and Lethal: Adapting US SEAD Doctrine to Changing Threats

2nd Lt Elliot M. Bucki, USAF
In the past two decades, the United States has enjoyed almost uncontested air dominance, largely because adversaries have employed aging Soviet-era-export integrated air defense systems (IADS). In recent years, both Russia and China have developed... 

An Imperfect Understanding: The Air Force's Transition to Diversity and Inclusion
An Imperfect Understanding: The Air Force's Transition to Diversity and Inclusion

Maj Gregory M. Blom, USAF / Mrs. Brittany B. Davis, LMFT
Having determined that diversity and inclusion are requisites for effective operations, Air Force senior leaders recently unveiled new proposals for increasing those qualities within the service. Designed to strengthen the Air Force, diversity and...

Leading the Development of Concepts of Operations for Next-Generation Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Leading the Development of Concepts of Operations for Next-Generation Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Capt Curtis G. Wilson, USAF
The Air Force's ability to lead the technical development of medium-altitude remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) has been hampered by shrinking budgets and higher-priority procurement efforts. Additionally, RPA community standards, workload, and culture... 

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