ASPJ Home Page

Volume 28 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2014

  • Published
  • Air and Space Power Journal, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL
Senior Leader Perspective

Space Situational Awareness: Difficult, Expensive--and Necessary
Space Situational Awareness: Difficult, Expensive--and Necessary

Dr. Gene H. McCall / John H. Darrah
Space situational awareness (SSA) is a fundamental requirement for the defense of the United States, which must be prepared for the likelihood that adversary nations will attempt to neutralize important space capabilities. SSA is the first step in... 

Feature Articles

Space Separatism: Degree of Differentiation
Space Separatism: Degree of Differentiation

Capt Luke R. Stover, USAF / Dr. Alan Johnson, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF, Retired
The Department of Defense (DOD) recognizes space as one of five domains in which US forces operate (the other four are land, sea, air, and information). Given the uniqueness of space, the formation of a separate space force is a topic of... 

Ricochets and Replies 

Have Adversary Missiles Become a Revolution in Military Affairs?
Have Adversary Missiles Become a Revolution in Military Affairs?

RADM Jesse A. Wilson Jr., USN
My compliments to Mr. William F. Bell on his excellent article "Have Adversary Missiles Become a Revolution in Military Affairs?" (September-October 2014). He has certainly captured most of the challenges faced by our integrated air and missile... 


Policy for US Cybersecurity
Policy for US Cybersecurity

Lt Col August G. Roesener, PhD, USAF / Maj Carl Bottolfson, USAF / CDR Gerry Fernandez, USN
The Internet and cyberspace are an integral part of the lives of many, if not most, Americans, who utilize them for communication, entertainment, education, business transactions, and so forth. Unfortunately, their rapid expansion proceeded without... 

The Search for Space Doctrine's War-Fighting Icon
The Search for Space Doctrine's War-Fighting Icon

Dr. Dale L. Hayden
The reason for the US Air Force’s existence is rather straightforward—nothing more or less than to protect and defend the nation. It does so by holding adversaries at risk, unhampered by the tyranny of distance and time. How it goes about... 

A Global Space Control Strategy
A Global Space Control Strategy

Dr. B. T. Cesul
Multiple national-level studies have pointed out that space utilization by the United States for national security objectives is no longer a sanctuary and that potential adversaries are creating an environment where congested, contested, and... 

Space Combat Capability . . . Do We Have It?
Space Combat Capability . . . Do We Have It?

Capt Adam P. Jodice, USAF / Lt Col Mark R. Guerber, USAF
This article examines current Department of Defense (DOD) capabilities to defend space assets. A comprehensive, coherent plan to deter adversary action and protect our space assets remains elusive in today's space infrastructure. The DOD needs to... 

Schriever Essay Winners 

What Happens If They Say No? Preserving Access to Critical Commerical Space Capabilities during Future Crises
What Happens If They Say No? Preserving Access to Critical Commerical Space Capabilities during Future Crises

Lt Col Joseph Iungerman, USAF
This article examines how US adversaries can create business risks for commercial space operators who support the US government during crises. It shows how adversary operations in space and cyberspace can hold commercial revenues at risk and drive... 

Space Sustainment: A New Approach for America in Space
Space Sustainment: A New Approach for America in Space

Lt Col Kris Barcomb, USAF
This article proposes a "space sustainment" strategy for the United States over the control-oriented mind-set that originated during the Cold War and persists today. This strategy leverages US strengths to promote and maintain an international... 

Space Resilience and the Contested, Degraded, and Operationally Limited Environment: The Gaps in Tactical Space Operations
Space Resilience and the Contested, Degraded, and Operationally Limited Environment: The Gaps in Tactical Space Operations

Capt Bryan M. Bell, USAF / 2d Lt Even T. Rogers, USAF
This paper examines Air Force Space Command's (AFSPC) resilience in a contested, degraded, and operationally limited (CDO) space environment. Using Col John Boyd's observe, orient, decide, act (OODA) loop as a framework, the authors identify how the... 

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