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Volume 26 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012

  • Published
  • Air & Space Power Journal, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL
Senior Leader Perspective

Energy Horizons: A Science and Technology Vision for Air Force Energy
Energy Horizons: A Science and Technology Vision for Air Force Energy

Dr. Mark T. Maybury, Chief Scientist, USAF
Energy is essential to Air Force missions. This article reports the results of a comprehensive Energy Horizons study involving experts from government, industry, nonprofits, and academia. Energy Horizons created an Air Force... 

Feature Articles 

Building Global Partnerships: 112 Gripes about the French Revisited
Building Global Partnerships: 112 Gripes about the French Revisited

Col Jim Drape, USAF
“You ride on the subway, and the smell almost knocks you out, garlic, sweat—and perfume!” Anyone who has ever ridden on the metro in Paris on a hot summer day can likely relate to this “gripe,” in this case expressed by American servicemen posted... 

The Combined Bomber Offensive's Destruction of Germany's Refined-Fuels Industry
The Combined Bomber Offensive's Destruction of Germany's Refined-Fuels Industry

Lt Col Woody W. Parramore, USAF, Retired
Revisionist historians have advanced the idea that the collapse of Germany’s refined-fuels industry during World War Two resulted from Allied ground forces capturing the natural resources needed for refined-fuel products as opposed to the... 


Common Sense at the Crossroads for Our Air Force
Common Sense at the Crossroads for Our Air Force

Col Russell J. Smith, USAF, Retired
An old proverb states that every cloud has a silver lining. Perhaps the recent debt-ceiling crisis and subsequent failure of the congressional supercommittee, together with continuing financial instability within the United States and global... 

The Downfall of Adaptive Planning: Finding a New Approach after a Failed Revolution
The Downfall of Adaptive Planning: Finding a New Approach after a Failed Revolution

Lt Col John F. Price Jr., USAF
Despite great fanfare during its launch more than six years ago, this strategic transformation initiative within the Department of Defense (DOD)—intended to revolutionize the approach to war planning of the world’s largest bureaucracy—has... 

Historical Highlights 

Development of Air Doctrine 1917 - 41
Development of Air Doctrine 1917 - 41

James L. Cate
This article from the Air University Quarterly Review (Winter 1947) serves as a companion piece to Mr. Parramore's feature article, which discusses the effects of strategic bombing on the German refined-fuels industry during World War... 

Selected Air University Research

2035 Air Dominance Requirements for State-on-State Conflict
2035 Air Dominance Requirements for State-on-State Conflict

Lt Col Peter M. Bilodeau, USAF
Unlike the 1970s stealth revolution, there is no “silver bullet” technological solution to the 2035 air dominance problem. The United States is unlikely to achieve unimpeded access using radio frequency, infrared, and electro-optical cloaking... 

The Perils of Bipolarity: Subnational Conflict and the Rise of China
The Perils of Bipolarity: Subnational Conflict and the Rise of China

Lt Col Mark Yeisley, USAF
The United States emerged from the Cold War as the sole superpower in a unipolar international system. However, evidence suggests this unipolarity could soon change as a new bipolar system emerges with China as the next challenger superpower.... 

Enduring Attraction: America's Dependence on and Need to Secure Its Supply of Permanent Magnets
Enduring Attraction: America's Dependence on and Need to Secure Its Supply of Permanent Magnets

Lt Col Justin Davey, USAF
This paper will illustrate how rare-earth elements (REE) have become a deeply ingrained need throughout the American economy and, in particular, how rare-earth magnets are now indispensible to the defense industry. It will explore how the United... 

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