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Special Edition: Perspectives on JADO

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  • Foreword

    Lt Gen James B. Hecker, USAF

    Joint all-domain operations mark a dynamic transition in the conceptualization of maneuver warfare characterized by complexity, speed, and precision. Success will require sophisticated combinations of synchronized domains, and rapid technological changes and ever-growing dependence on the electromagnetic spectrum will have an unforeseen impact on military operations in all five recognized domains.

  • Photo by Senior Airman Justyn Freeman

    Future Command and Control: Closing the Knowledge Gaps

    Lt Col Heidi M. Tucholski, USAF, PhD
    The Air Force’s future operating concept hinges on a real-time networked command and control capability and requires a shift in perspective toward an all-domain, service, and platform-agnostic capability. The capability must act as a catalyst to transform how we fight; transition requires deliberate human integration with technology; and concept development and funding must be an iterative process.

  • Mission Assurance in Joint All-Domain Command and Control

    James F. “Frank” Hudson Jr.

    Success in the Joint all-domain command and control battlespace of the future requires DOD to achieve mission assurance by building a cloud platform, rethinking and diversifying data transports, and identifying and treating data as a strategic asset. Placing security first is critical, and conducting realistic testing is key to designing a self-healing network through machine learning.

  • Photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Morales

    Cloud Conundrum

    Maj William Giannetti, USAFR
    The Advanced Battle Management System needs high-speed data flowing seamlessly through a cloud that is safe, secure, and affordable. A combination of public and private options might be the answer.

  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence in ISR Operations

    Col Brendan Cook, RCAF, MSM, CD

    Artificial intelligence is ready to learn the myriad of ISR analytical tasks, but it should be pursued with several considerations in mind: human-machine pairing is both necessary and desireable; AI’s ability to deal with the volume, velocity, and variety of ISR big data should be leveraged; the propensity for AI to mislearn must be mitigated; and analysts and operators must be thoroughly trained to avoid moral disengagement with these systems.

  • Photo by Senior Airman Amber Williams

    Aerial Composite Employment Wings in Joint All-Domain Operations

    Capt Kyle Rasmussen, USAF
    In order to operate successfully in Joint all-domain operations, the Air Force must undertake a massive organizational shift in its approach to training and fighting wars. Part of this shift should include the development of integrated, self-sufficient, and deployable units—aerial composite employment wings. These wings would have an independent, yet interoperable command and control structure, using geographic commanders’ intent for periods of time without connection to higher-echelon command.

  • Photo by Sgt. Amber Smith

    Optimizing Joint All-Domain C2 in the Indo-Pacific

    Capt Stefan Morrell, USAF

    Today’s Joint C2 assets and infrastructure would be hard-pressed to help low-observable strike assets win against an Indo-Pacific modernized peer threat with anti-access and area-denial capabilities. Joint C2 must be restructured to enable distributed, decentralized control through the development of a next-generation tactical datalink.




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