Air & Space Power Journal

Volume 02, Issue 3, Fall 2011

  • Published
  • Air and Space Power Journal-Africa and Francophonie, Maxwell AFB, AL
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Alliances and Coalitions

Rémy M. Mauduit


France's New NATO Policy: Leveraging a Realignment of the Alliance?

Dr. Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet 

The Return of Grand Theory: Terrorism and the End of Postmodernism

Dr. Abdy Javadzadeh

Wartime Alliances versus Coalition Warfare: How Institutional Structure Matters in the Multilateral Prosecution of Wars

Dr. Patricia A. Weitsman

Dangerous Passions: Glory and Honor in International Relations

Dr. Haig Patapan

Washington's Newest Bogeyman: Debunking the Fear of Failed States

Justin Logan
Dr. Christopher Preble

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Maxwell AFB, AL 36112