Air & Space Power Journal

Volume 01, Issue 4, Winter 2010

  • Published
  • Air and Space Power Journal-Africa and Francophonie, Maxwell AFB, AL
View in French


Challenges for National Identity

Rémy M. Mauduit


Air and Space Power and Multidimensionality of the Battlespace
Some Elements on the Future of Military Engagements

Capt Grégory Boutherin, PhD, French Air Force

Whose Mission? A Comparison of French and US Perspectives on American Civil Religion

Paul T McCartney, PhD
Mark B McNaught, PhD

European Identity Formation in Central and Eastern European Countries after Accession by the European Union

Sofiya Y Tsvetkova

US Policy Shifts on Sub-Saharan Africa
An Assessment of Contending Predictions

Ann Mezzell, PhD

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600 Chennault Circle
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112