Volume 29, Issue 1 - 1st Trimester 2017 Published March 1, 2017 Air & Space Power Journal En Español, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL Articles America’s strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean Dr. R. Evan Ellis, PhD The Security Lexicon from Westphalia to the Present - - A Cautionary Tale Max G. Manwaring, Ph.D. Toward a USAF Arctic Strategy Col John L. Conway III, USAF, Retired Command and Control of Joint Air Operations through Mission Command Col Trent R. Carpenter, USAF Purposeful Development of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance for Space Cadre SMSgt Mitchell R. Overton, USAF, USAF Flexible, Smart, and Lethal - Adapting US SEAD Doctrine to Changing Threats 2nd Lt Elliot M. Bucki, USAF Developing Tomorrow’s Space War Fighter The Argument for Contracting Out Satellite Operations Maj Sean C. Temple, USAF