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Air University Press Articles

  • Flexible Employment of Multi-Role Assets

    This paper discusses how current doctrine is antiquated and does not align well with current mission requirements and equipment. The author argues that by combining assets into multirole platforms and updating doctrine and air operations, full utilization of assets can occur. [Trevor A. Gustafson /

  • A+ Toolkit

    Written by Dr. Brian R. Selmeski and Lt Col Christina D. KarvwnarisThis publication supports Command Teams – commanders, senior enlisted leaders, and spouses – who want (or need) to enhance public education options for their personnel. It provides an approach, resources, and

  • Journal of Indo Pacific Affairs

    The Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (JIPA) is a professional journal of the Department of the Air Force and a forum for worldwide dialogue regarding the Indo-Pacific region, spanning from the west coasts of the Americas to the eastern shores of Africa and covering much of Asia and all

  • Strategic Studies Quarterly

    Strategic Studies Quarterly (SSQ) (ISSN 1936-1815) is the peer reviewed strategic journal of the United States Air Force, fostering intellectual enrichment for national and international security professionals.  SSQ provides a forum for critically examining, informing, and debating, national

  • There from the Beginning: Women in the US Air Force

    Since women were first allowed to officially join the US military in 1948, their integration into the traditionally masculine domain of war fighting has been both evolutionary and revolutionary. The Air Force has never known an existence without women in the ranks, which in turn has helped shape the

  • Marissa Kester

    Author of There From the Beginning: Women in the US Air Force

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