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Air University Press Articles

  • Thinking about Deterrence

    With many scholars and analysts questioning the relevance of deterrence as a valid strategic concept, this volume moves beyond Cold War nuclear deterrence to show the many ways in which deterrence is applicable to contemporary security. It examines the possibility of applying deterrence theory and

  • Strategies for Resolving the Cyber Attribution Challenge

    Technical challenges are not a great hindrance to global cyber security cooperation; rather, a nation’s lack of cybersecurity action plans that combine technology, management procedures, organizational structures, law, and human competencies into national security strategies are. Strengthening

  • Airpower and the Environment

    With insightful and innovative chapters written by experts in various disciplines, this book chronicles and analyzes the effects of airpower on the environment. It also highlights the fact that military forces now take far more care of the environment than ever before and that many militaries, even

  • Resourcing General McChrystal’s Counterinsurgency Campaign

    This narrative focuses on the process that US Army general Stanley McChrystal’s operational planning team went through as it conducted its research and analysis of a variety of counterinsurgency theories applied to the difficult operating environment in Afghanistan. [Col Matthew C. Brand, USAF

  • Integrated Defense: Lessons Learned from Joint Base Balad

    Base defense—defending one’s air assets on the ground—is one of the least understood operational aspects of airpower. The current USAF strategy for defending air bases is integrated defense (ID). This study examines the first full implementation of ID in a combat environment in

  • The Asia-Pacific Century

    ​When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton published “America’s Pacific Century” in Foreign Policy magazine in November 2011, the administration was clearly indicating to domestic and international audiences that the United States is beginning a pivot toward the Asia-Pacific.

  • A Giant in the Shadows

    This paper examines the military career of Maj Gen Benjamin Foulois. It emphasizes the personal qualities and professional skill that enabled him to rapidly build up and lead the air arm of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) to victory in World War I. While previous academic works have focused

  • Bomber

    Noted historian and retired USAF Col Phillip Meilinger’s Bomber traces the development of Strategic Air Command in parallel with a fledgling independent Air Force amid the drama of the Cold War. This well-documented history captures not only lessons learned in strategy, leadership, and

  • On a Steel Horse I Ride

    The "Steel Horses." Born of necessity in the long war in Southeast Asia to fly search and rescue and special operations missions, the US Air Force fleet of 52 HH-53s and 20 CH-53s were subsequently modified with state-of-the-art precision navigation capability under a program called Pave

  • Lorenz on Leadership

    If you want to learn about leadership, ask an experienced leader. Gen Stephen R. Lorenz, who retired as the commander of Air Education and Training Command, was always interested in leadership. He began writing about it while at the Air Force Academy and has now written numerous articles. He

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