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Air University Press Articles

  • From the Mind to the Feet

    The 12 essays in this volume examine the concept of intent in defense, security, and foreign-policy contexts. They provide operational and academic perspectives on measuring the intent of adversaries, including nation-states and nonstate actors, and understanding the relationship of intent to

  • Air Force Strategy Study 2020-2030 [ONLINE ONLY]

    In November 2009, Gen Norton A. Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, tasked the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) to answer the following question: What critical capabilities—implemented by the combatant commanders—will the nation require of the Air Force by 2030? The AFRI team

  • Deterrence in the Twenty-first Century: Proceedings

    Sponsored by the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) and the Royal United Services Institute, the conference was held in London on 18–19 May 2009 and focused on deterrence “to help understand and begin to develop policy frameworks that fit the current and emerging security

  • On the Fly: Israeli Airpower against the Al-Aqsa Intifada, 2000–2005

    Perhaps the greatest lesson the Israeli Air Force should have learned from the five-year campaign against Palestinian militants in the Occupied Territories was the danger inherent in planning from past success. It had long been accustomed to fight short, sharp, conventional wars. Operation Ebb and

  • A Companion for Aspirant Air Warriors

    A Companion for Aspirant Air Warriors: A Handbook for Personal Professional Study traces the evolution of military airpower from its infancy through Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Designed to introduce company-grade Airmen to the ideas, people, and materiel associated with military

  • AF Symposium Series 2010-2, Future Operator Symposium Proceedings

    In July 2009 the Air Force Research Institute invited more than 270 active duty personnel, 14 general officers, and Department of Defense civilians to a “Future Operator Symposium” at Maxwell Air Force Base. The objective was to discuss what operators should look like in the future by

  • RPAs: Revolution or Retrogression?

    Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) are in a way merely the continuation of the old human longing for methods of striking or observing one’s enemies while remaining safe. This essay explores the advantages and disadvantages of the systems, and briefly speculates about the future of unmanned

  • Following the Flag

    General Leavitt’s career coincided exactly with much of the period comprising the Cold War era. The path he took through the military provides a rare behind-the-scenes view of events that are in turn startling, unpredictable, sobering, and entertaining. These accounts weave together a most

  • Attitudes Aren’t Free

    This collection of essays—most written for this volume—and speeches are on the themes of religious expression, homosexuality, gender, race, and ethics in the military. The contributors include activists, military members, academics, and other experts. Attitudes Aren’t Free does not

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