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Air University Press Articles

  • The “In Lieu Of” Myth

    Lt Col Dave Marttala discusses the Air Force deployment of large numbers of Airmen to perform various combat support functions doctrinally assigned to the Army or Marine Corps. Known as “In Lieu Of” (ILO) deployment (since then the term has changed to “Joint Expeditionary

  • In Service to the Nation

    In this study, the Air Force Research Institute provides its perspective on what the United States Air Force should look like in 2018–2023. This study offers a detailed discussion of the attributes of the Air Force today in order to develop a framework for understanding how the USAF will serve

  • Taking the Lead: Russia, the United States, and Nuclear Nonproliferation

    Dr. Stephen Cimbala, distinguished professor and author of numerous books and articles on national security issues, seeks to reestablish relations on nuclear arms control between the United States and Russia. He reviews arms control history to illustrate the complexities of building agreements that

  • Engineering the Space Age

    Few people have experienced as much aerospace history as Bob Brulle, and fewer still possess his meticulous recall and research skills. The P-47 fighter pilot turned engineer, inventor, educator, and author found himself immersed in the Cold War race to the moon, developing cutting-edge technology,

  • Stopping Mass Killings in Africa

    This is a compendium of case studies that seek to describe the best uses of military power, particularly airpower, in response to genocide. The writers examine recent instances of genocide in Somalia, Rwanda, and Côte d’Ivoire to draw out useful generalizations concerning the nature of

  • Democracy and Deterrence

    Dr. Sharp argues that two fundamental strategies are necessary to create lasting peace in the world: facilitating the spread of democracy and maintaining comprehensive deterrence mechanisms targeted at individual world leaders. He surveys conventional approaches to avoiding war and presents evidence

  • The GPS and Galileo

    Lt Col Roftiel Constantine cogently outlines the competitive relationship between the Europe Union and the United States regarding satellite navigation. To buttress his thesis that Galileo, the European Union’s navigation satellite system, poses a veritable threat to the global position

  • A US Strategy for Iran

    No contemporary foreign policy issues captures more headlines or elicits more debate than US relations with the largest country in the Middle East and potential nuclear power, the Islamic Republic of Iran. Colonels Douglass and Hays researched the history of the Persians and talked with noted

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