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Air University Press Articles

  • Middle East Security Issues

    The ten authors of the essays in this study examine issues that the US must address if its national security policy in the Middle East is to be well informed. In "NBC and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East," Lawrence Scheinman summarizes the nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons

  • Space Power Integration

    This book is the culmination of Gen Lance Lord’s vision to initiate vigorous discussion about how best to integrate space to support the war fighter. From the first Space Weapons Officer Air and Space Integration Conference in 2005 come nine research papers that form the basis for this

  • Making Twenty-first Century Strategy

    This new work defines national security strategy, its objectives, the problems it confronts, and the influences that constrain and facilitate its development and implementation in a post–Cold War, post–9/11 environment. The authors note that making and implementing national strategy

  • Airpower Leadership on the Front Line

    Colonel Cox examines the command of Lt Gen George H. Brett in his wartime assignments. General Brett’s leadership did not take him to four stars, why? Cox looks at the reasons why he was not promoted, especially, as he began his war time service second in command to Gen Henry “Hap”

  • Combat Search and Rescue in Desert Storm

    Budgetary, political, and organizational changes left the USAF unprepared for the combat search and rescue (CSAR) mission going into Desert Storm. Colonel Whitcomb relates his and others’ experiences from CSAR in Southeast Asia and examines the organization that was established to provide CSAR

  • Reflections of a Technocrat

    In documenting his wide-ranging career in science and technology, Dr. McLucas offers new information and insights on the history of key private-sector and government agencies during the Cold War era—most prominently, the US Air Force. After naval service in World War II, he began a long

  • Intelligence Reform

    On 22 July 2004 the 9/11 Commission released its report on the events surrounding the attacks of 11 September 2001. The 9/11 Report renewed calls for reform of the intelligence community (IC), continuing a long series of intelligence reform efforts that began shortly after the National Security Act

  • Bombing the European Axis Powers

    In Bombing the European Axis Powers Dr. Richard G. Davis, currently a division chief for the US Army Center for Military History, provides a detailed chronological narrative of the Anglo-American strategic bomber offensive against Hitler’s Germany, his European allies, and German-occupied

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