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Air University Press Articles

  • The War in the Air : 1914 - 1994

    This book contains the proceedings of a conference held by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in Canberra in 1994. Since its publication by the RAAF’s Air Power Studies Centre in that year, the book has become a widely used reference at universities, military academies, and other

  • The World Wide Military Command and Control System

    In this comprehensive analysis of the worldwide military command and control system (WWMCCS), the author examines how organization, technology, and ideology contributed to the development of WWMCCS. He explains how and why WWMCCS developed the way it did. An interview with the chief technical

  • Science and Technology

    Robert W. Duffner’s Science and Technology: The Making of the Air Force Research Laboratory addresses the far-reaching implications of science and technology by recounting the events that led to the creation of a single Air Force laboratory. This engaging story of how the Air Force moved from

  • Beating International Terrorism

    Dr. Sloan writes this book primarily for senior- and middle-level officials and officers who will be responsible for conducting war against terrorism. He examines several definitional problems, analyzes the factors involved in developing approaches to counter and preempt terrorism, and looks at the

  • Deliberate Force

    Operation Deliberate Force, conducted between 30 August and 20 September 1995, was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's air campaign to advance the cause of peace in the Balkans region. This study of that campaign examines how and with what considerations the planners and executors of

  • Inside the Cold War

    General Adams reflects on his experiences in the cold war, during which he served in both manned bombers and missile silos. He tells stories of famous and not-so-famous cold warriors, including some from the US Navy. Some stories are humorous; some stories are tragic. Having traveled extensively in

  • Beyond the Paths of Heaven

    Major issues have plagued the US military space community for years. Foremost among these issues is the relationship between air and space. This work is a comprehensive examination of space power. Military space-lift vehicle requirements, space architectures, and ground support infrastructure are

  • They Served Here

    Colonel Benton provides a glimpse of the history of Maxwell Air Force Base by highlighting the careers of 33 airmen who served at the base at some point in their military careers. Some of the individuals portrayed were pioneers in the development of airpower and provided military leadership from

  • The Air Force Role in Developing International Outer Space Law

    Colonel Terrill provides an in-depth examination of the historical evolution of Air Force thinking and action on the development of international law as it applies to outer space. He traces the Air Force's continual resistance to treaties and other conventions that would have defined the

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