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Air University Press Articles

  • Airhead Operations

    Colonel Cirafici reviews airhead activity in contingencies during World War II and in operations Urgent Fury, Just Cause, Desert Shield/Storm and Restore Hope. He examines the newly activated Air Mobility Command (AMC) structure within the theater and discusses the Somali civil war to illustrate how

  • Heart of the Storm

    Colonel Reynolds presents a firsthand account of the struggle to design and implement the air campaign that proved instrumental in defeating Iraq in the Gulf War. Through documentary research and dialogue derived from interviews with key players such as Generals Dugan, Russ, Loh, and Horner, he

  • Biplanes and Bombsights

    Colonel Williams presents a comprehensive study of British bombing efforts in the Great War. He contends that the official version of costs and results underplays the costs while overplaying the results. Supported by postwar findings of both US and British evaluation teams, he argues that British

  • Prolonged Wars

    ​The authors examine the underlying impact of the cold war on protracted conflict in Africa and Asia. These area specialists examine the factors that produced prolonged conflict and what each side in them considered the cause(s) of these struggles. They analyze the reasons for "success"

  • The Role of US Nuclear Weapons in the Post-Cold War Era

    Major Paulsen examines the role of nuclear weapons in the defense posture of the US between the end of World War II and the breakup of the USSR 50 years later. He gauges public opinion, reviews congressional testimony to determine the thinking of military leaders, and relies on his own military

  • Challenge and Response

    In this collection of essays, the contributors examine the implications of the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact on planning for future military threats. They attempt to identify the nature and source of the most likely future threats to global security. Part I contains a

  • Airpower and Maneuver Warfare

    The authors identify and discuss the fundamental concepts and principles of maneuver warfare, compare and contrast it to attrition-style warfare, and trace its origins and history. They examine the role of airpower in enhancing maneuver during the early German campaigns of World War II, in

  • Setting the Context

    ​Colonel Brungess proposes using joint suppression of enemy air defenses (JSEAD) to address the problem of reduced SEAD resources available to individual services. He contends that the demise of the Soviet Union presents the perfect transitional period for SEAD planners to create new approaches to

  • From the Line in the Sand

    Captain Vriesenga presents a compilation of essays by 34 participants below the rank of major who contributed to the Gulf War. Their stories focus on such topics as deployment, organizational patterns of units, delegation of authority and responsibility, emotions and psychology of combat, the impact

  • Commanding an Air Force Squadron [ONLINE ONLY]

    Colonel Timmons presents the views of many junior colonels and senior lieutenant colonels who have served as squadron commanders as he discusses the roles and responsibilities of this challenging assignment. Colonel Timmons's command and leadership principles, recommendations, and

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