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Air University Press Articles

  • The Air War in Southeast Asia [ONLINE ONLY]

    The author subjects five case studies of interdiction, close air support, and strategic bombardment to rigid analysis. Dr. Gilster shows the relationship between the strike effort and target damage of several air campaigns during the Vietnam War. [Herman L. Gilster / 1993 / 152 pages / ISBN:

  • In the Aftermath of War

    Dr. Shultz assesses the December 1989 invasion of Panama and the effectiveness of US foreign policy implemented afterward. He focuses on reconstruction, nation-building, and democratization following Operation Just Cause. He reviews contemporary Panamanian politics and comments on what went wrong

  • Conflict, Culture, and History

    Five specialists examine the historical relationship of culture and conflict in various regional societies. The authors use Adda B. Bozeman's theories on conflict and culture as the basis for their analyses of the causes, nature, and conduct of war and conflict in the Soviet Union, the Middle

  • Joint Training for Night Air Warfare

    This book briefly examines the history of joint air operations and some night air operations from World War II through Operation Desert Storm. Colonel McLean focuses on the need for increased training for joint operations at night. He describes a hypothetical contingency in Korea to illustrate some

  • The Future of Airpower in the Aftermath of the Gulf War

    ​This collection of essays reflects the proceedings of a 1991 conference on "The United States Air Force: Aerospace Challenges and Missions in the 1990s," sponsored by the USAF and Tufts University. The 20 contributors comment on the pivotal role of airpower in the war with Iraq and

  • Force and Accommodation in World Politics

    Dr. Spangler shows that conciliatory approaches or accommodative measures have frequently been avoided by the United States in its foreign relations and, if used, have too often been undervalued in comparison to military force. He develops a model or conceptual approach to foreign policy that he

  • Setup [ONLINE ONLY]

    American military professionals, especially the US Air Force, have had a difficult time understanding their role in this nation's defeat in Vietnam. Dr Tilford provides a critical self-analysis and questions the underlying assumptions of the Air Force's strategy in Southeast Asia. He argues

  • Professional Military Education for Air Force Officers

    ​The authors survey the many evaluations made between 1946 and 1987 of the Air University's attempts to provide effective professional military education (PME) for US Air Force officers. Colonels Davis and Donnini discuss the purpose of PME from a USAF perspective and trace the evolution of Air

  • ANZUS in Revision

    Colonel Donnini analyzes the demise of the ANZUS alliance and shifts in Australian and New Zealand defense features. He addresses many questions and issues dealing with changing the political situation and the impact of those changes on defense and security conditions in the South and Southwest

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