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Air University Press Articles

  • Recapitalizing Nuclear Weapons

    More than six decades after Hiroshima and almost two since the end of the Cold War, the US nuclear weapons stockpile is undergoing an extensive and expensive life-extension program to ensure the continued safety, security, and reliability of the legacy weapons well into the future. The current

  • Intelligence Reform

    On 22 July 2004 the 9/11 Commission released its report on the events surrounding the attacks of 11 September 2001. The 9/11 Report renewed calls for reform of the intelligence community (IC), continuing a long series of intelligence reform efforts that began shortly after the National Security Act

  • Outsourcing the Air Force Mission

    Colonel Palmby’s study not only serves as a primer for readers not intimately familiar with either outsourcing or the acquisition/manpower career fields, but also provides Air Force leadership and decision makers recommendations designed to help them resolve or prevent the numerous pitfalls

  • Developing Doctrine for the Future Joint Force

    Colonel Brown argues that recent operations have highlighted seams and shortfalls in joint doctrine that need to be addressed in the shaping of a more effective future joint force. Using the current doctrine command and control tenets and Joint Operations Concept attributes as a framework, Colonel

  • The Revenge of Europe

    The collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, and the emergence of the European Union (EU) have all raised questions regarding the United States’ transatlantic relationship and the subsequent role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The author takes a brief look

  • Transnational Crime and the Criminal-Terrorist Nexus

    Addressing the convergence of organized crime, drug trafficking, and terrorism requires the new paradigm of strategic thinking ushered in by the war on terrorism. Such an effort cannot be seen through a diplomatic, military, law enforcement, financial, or intelligence lens alone. Rather, it demands

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