Air University Press


Heart of the Storm

  • Published
  • By Richard T. Reynolds
  • Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL

Colonel Reynolds presents a firsthand account of the struggle to design and implement the air campaign that proved instrumental in defeating Iraq in the Gulf War. Through documentary research and dialogue derived from interviews with key players such as Generals Dugan, Russ, Loh, and Horner, he traces the evolution of the air campaign plan known as Instant Thunder from its origins in the mind of Col John A. Warden III to the decision by General Schwarzkopf to employ airpower as his weapon of choice against Saddam Hussein. Heart of the Storm provides behind-the-scenes insights into how future decisions to use airpower will likely be made. It is a companion volume to Mann's Thunder and Lightning. [Richard T. Reynolds / 1995 / 169 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-052-0 / AU Press Code: B-55]

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