Dr. Greg Zacharias, Chief Scientist of the United States Air Force 2015–18
Dr. Greg Zacharias, Chief Scientist of the United States Air Force 2015–18, explores next steps in autonomous systems (AS) development, fielding, and training. Rapid advances in AS development and artificial intelligence (AI) research will change how we think about machines, whether they are individual vehicle platforms or networked enterprises. The payoff will be considerable, affording us significant protection for our Airmen, greater effectiveness in employment, and unlimited opportunities for novel and disruptive concepts of operations. The commercial world already recognizes this potential and has pounced on it; for our military, the pace is slower, but the promise is just as transformational. Our potential adversaries are moving out on a broad range of related investments; the time is right that we do as well, taking advantage of the dizzying pace of commercial advances in AS and AI applications, as well as explosive gains in the underlying computational infrastructure afforded by Moore’s law growth in computational power, memory, networking, and data availability. Autonomous Horizons: The Way Forward identifies issues and makes recommendations for the Air Force to take full advantage of this transformational technology. [Dr. Greg Zacharias/ 2019 / 418 pages / ISBN: 9781585662876 / AU Press Code: B-155 / Office of the Chief Scientist of the Air Force]