Air University Press


News and Events: August 2022

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Monthly Observance

August is a month to reflect on the accomplishments of our military. This month we celebrate the many publications from the press through our online articles, journals, papers, and books. With new information coming out all the time, be sure you stay in the know by following us through social media or with our newsletter.

As the US Air Force celebrates its 75th Birthday this year (1947-2022), we also celebrate the many contributions and sacrifices by both women and men of the United States Air Force. At Air University Press, we appreciate those that serve or who have served in our armed forces that fight for justice and our freedom. Come see our selection of books at the AUP Book Store.

Key Dates

  • Aug 04 – Coast Guard Birthday: Happy birthday, Coast Guard!
  • Aug 07 – Purple Heart Day: A time to recognize and honor our heroes.
  • Aug 10 – US DOD Birthday: Happy birthday to the US Department of Defense!
  • Aug 14 – Navajo Code Talkers Day: A special time to honor the tribes that helped in the war effort.
  • Aug 19 – National Aviation Day: A day to celebrate the creation of aviation and the effect it has had on our military.

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