Air University Press


The Next-Generation Expeditionary Air Force

  • Published
  • By Jeffrey Hukill, Kristal Alfonso, Scott Johnson, and John Conway

On 20 November 2008, the CSAF tasked the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) to determine if the current expeditionary air and space forces (EAF) construct is engineered to deal with current and future challenges facing the Air Force.* Specific elements for research were the need to meet the demands across the range of military operations, presentation of forces to combatant commanders (CCDR), appropriate flexibility and sustainability, continuity of leadership, and teaming of deployed forces. In this study, we discuss five issues for change, and our recommendations provide the framework needed to produce the project’s desired end state of a measurable and sustainable expeditionary process that meets combatant commanders’ equirements across the range of military operations.


AuthorsJeffrey Hukill, Kristal Alfonso, Scott Johnson, and John Conway
AU Press CodeAP-87
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