Air University Press


News and Events: November 2022

  • Published

Monthly Observance

This November, we're celebrating Native American Heritage Month. Our progress in previous battles was heavily influenced by Native Americans, and we honor their efforts in our military and everyday life all this month. Thank you for your service!

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As the US Air Force celebrates its 75th Birthday this year (1947-2022), we also celebrate the many contributions and sacrifices by both women and men of the United States Air Force. At Air University Press, we appreciate those that serve or who have served in our armed forces that fight for justice and our freedom.

Key Dates

  • Nov 1 – Author's Day: Special thank you to all our authors! You can read about some of them HERE.
  • Nov 10 – Marine Corps Birthday: Happy birthday to our good friends in the Marines!
  • Nov 11 – Veteran’s Day: Honoring all the wonderful men and women who served in the US Military. Thank you for your service!
  • Nov 24 – Thanksgiving: A day to spend with friends and family to celebrate what you're truly thankful for this year.
  • Nov 25 – Black Friday: Have you finished your holiday shopping this year? Need a good book recommendation? Find our bookstore HERE.

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