Air University Press


Fortifying South Korea’s Nontraditional Security: Addressing Cybersecurity and Economic Vulnerabilities

  • Published
  • By SeungHwan (Shane) Kim
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This paper analyzes and evaluates South Korea’s response to the shifting paradigm of national security, especially nontraditional security. The South Korean government has tried to address these nontraditional security issues. Still, the national sectors’ imbalance in national security and nontraditional security understandings obscured the practicality of the government’s response. This paper analyzes the two most urgent nontraditional security threats in South Korea: cybersecurity and economic security, which contain “intangible consequences” and highlights the necessity for an effective response. It lays out the evaluation of each security threat and provides the reasons for these threats’ significance, assesses original policies through a comparative analysis with the case of Australia, goes through advantages and disadvantages, and provides policy recommendations.


Author(s)SeungHwan (Shane) Kim
AU Press CodeKP-11

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