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Air University Numbered Texts

These publications, carrying assigned Air University (AU) numbers, were written by AU students, faculty, or staff members. Some are used in AU resident or nonresident courses while others are unique to Air University, such as the Style and Author Guide, publications catalog, and registrar’s course catalog.

  • Book Cover - AU-1 Air University Style and Author Guide

    Air University Style and Author Guide

    Dr. Marvin Bassett 
    The Style Guide, part 1 of this publication, provides guidance to Air University’s community of writers. It offers a coherent, consistent stylistic base for writing and editing. The Author Guide, part 2 of this publication, offers simple, concise instructions to writers who wish to submit a manuscript to AU Press for consideration. [Dr. Marvin Bassett, Editor / 2015 / 230 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-143-5 / AU-1]

  • Book Cover - AU-2 Guidelines for Command

    Guidelines for Command

    Air Command and Staff College 
    The intent of this handbook is to advance the practice of command. The advice and experiences written by prior commanders will help you become a better, more effective leader. [Air Command and Staff College / 2015 / 272 pages ISBN: 978-1-58566-251-7 / AU-2]

  • Book Cover - AU-3 Air University Press Publications

    Air University Press Publications

    Air University Press 
    Describes currently offered Air University (AU) Press books, journals, research papers, AU texts, and audio books. AU Press is a not-for-profit publisher of air, space, and cyberspace power topics for the development, exchange, and advancement of airpower and national security thought critical to all Airmen. These publications are the result of unique research by military authors and civilian scholars. [Air University Press / 2016 / 118 pages/ ISBN 978-1-58566-171-8 / AU-3]

  • Book Cover - AU-4 Listening Effectively

    Listening Effectively

    Dr. John Kline 
    Using the concepts of what we think, feel, and do about listening, Dr. Kline teaches the reader the need for better listening and how to do so more effectively.[Dr. John Kline / 1996 / 70 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-009-4 /AU-4]

  • Book Cover - AU-5 Speaking Effectively

    Speaking Effectively

    Dr. John Kline 
     In Speaking Effectively: A Guide for Air Force Speakers, Dr. Kline presents techniques on how to speak successfully. He provides examples and pointers for both the novice and the skilled speaker. This book was previously listed as order number B-33. [Dr. John A. Kline / 1989 / 86 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-031-5 / AU Press Code: AU-5]

  • Book Cover - AU-18 Space Primer

    Space Primer

    Air Command and Staff College  
    The US National Space Policy released by the president in 2006 states that the US government should “develop space professionals.” As an integral part of that endeavor, AU-18, Space Primer, provides to the joint war fighter an unclassified resource for understanding the capabilities, organizations, and operations of space forces. [Air Command and Staff College / 2009 / 356 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-194-7 / AU Press Code: AU-18]

  • Book Cover - AU 26 Developing Your Full Range of Leadership

    Developing Your Full Range of Leadership

    Dr. Fil J. Arenas, Dr. Daniel Connelly, and Maj Michael D. Williams, USAF   
    Defining leadership is a daunting task because there so many definitions. In fact, if you research the term, you will discover, according to Stogdill, as many definitions of leadership as there are leaders. That statement suggests that leadership is an individual and personal effort. Developing leaders must find a model or theory that best fits their organization. Organizations at Air University are utilizing the full range of leadership approach. Initially introduced by James MacGregor Burns in 1978 and Bernard Bass in 1985, these transformational and transactional leadership styles have sustained for nearly four decades. [Dr. Fil J. Arenas, Air University, Dr. Daniel Connelly, Air university, Maj Michael D. Williams, USAF / 2017 / 84 pages / ISBN: 9781585662746 / AU Press Code: AU-26]

Orders and Copyright Notice

AU Press publications are available at no cost to active duty, total force, and retired military and to Department of Defense personnel and organizations. Publications can be ordered by e-mail at AirUniversityPress@au.af.edu or by calling 334-953-2773 (DSN 493). Please note some of our publications are only available online.

Copyright Notice:
Authors may retain copyright on this material. For more information contact AU Press at AirUniversityPress@au.af.edu