Inbound Checklist: U.S Army/Coast Guard/Marine Corps/Navy

  • Published
  • Air War College

U.S. Army/Coast Guard/Marine Corps/Navy STUDENTS

Upon notification of selection for AWC, all inbound students should access the “Inbound Students” tab on the school website for up-to-date information and reporting instructions. Immediately upon notification, students must email Once an email is received, AWC Student Ops will send the student a welcome email with administrative requirements.

 QUESTIONNAIRE.  AWC Student Questionnaire AY26 Complete NLT 14 Feb.

 BIOGRAPHY & PHOTO. Send your bio and photo (in a separate file) to NLT 18 April.

 REQUIRED TRAININGS: DOD CYBER AWARENESS, DOD UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE, AND TRAVEL CARD 101.  All students must complete and send the certificates to NET 1 May. All training must be valid through the duration of the academic year. “Cyber Awareness” courses in JKO (or other branches of service) are acceptable if you do not have an Air Force MyLearning account. The “Unauthorized Disclosure” CBT course for non-USAF personnel may be accessed at the following link: (NOTE: Please save a copy of your certificate. A record will not be maintained in the system for future reference. The Travel Card Training 101 is at: (Passport Trax).

 GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CARD STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING (GTC SOU). A prefilled GTC SOU will be emailed to students in the spring. Students should sign as the cardholder and return to AWC staff will sign as the supervisor.

 SECURITY CLEARANCE.  All US students (Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, Civilians) must have a current or interim Top-Secret (TS) valid through 14 May 2026. If your TS clearance is within 90 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must complete your e-APP/SF-86 with your current security manager. NOTE: If you do not currently have a TS clearance, please initiate it with your Unit Security Manager ASAP. Losing units must complete a transfer of clearance to AWC upon PCS/TDY. Valid Cyber Awareness and Unauthorized Disclosure training certificates (above) must be submitted to prior to in-processing. Additionally, if you are currently filling an SCI-level billet, request your SSO to complete a Transfer-in-Status (TIS) to the AU/SSO (SMO: SSO AU) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama (DSN 94 312 493-6715, commercial 334-953-6715). Please contact the AWC Security Manager Mr. Jeromey Altum (DSN 94 312 493-1398 and commercial (334) 953-1398) or via email at with questions.

 TRANSCRIPTS.  Sister Service students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University Registrar’s Office NLT 1 June. Please have your university send your official transcript electronically via Parchment (preferred method) to: Air University Resident Program. If your university utilizes National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Services, please have your university send your official transcript electronically via email to

Or the university may mail your official transcript to:

Air University Registrar, Attn: Admissions, 60 W Shumacher Ave, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6337

 LEAVE. Take sufficient leave prior to arrival at AWC to avoid falling into a “use or lose” situation during the academic year. AWC will NOT authorize ordinary leave to students during the academic year, except for during a two-week holiday break in December. There is no Spring Break at AWC.

 SISTER SERVICE INPROCESSING. Sister Service students will get a separate message from their respective AWC Service Advisor outlining their service-specific in-processing requirements and dates in addition to the AWC reporting-in and mass in-processing requirements. See contact info below:

USA Advisor: COL Adam Hilburgh, (334) 953-4837 (DSN 94 312 493-4837), or contact his assistant (334) 953-2226 (DSN 94 312 493-2226).

USMC Advisor: COL Jimmy Hicks, (910) 467-3579 (DSN 94 312 493-2122),

USN Advisor: CAPT Steven Dradzynski, (334) 953-7649 (DSN 94 312 493-7649),

 DEERS. All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to

As of 6 Jan 2025

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