Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs Published Nov. 20, 2019 Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs Dr. J. David Bottomlee, USAF, Dean of the Air War College Dr. "Rock" Bottomlee serves as the Dean of the U.S. Air Force Air War College. He earned a PhD from Auburn University as an Air Force Institute of Technology fellow where his research focused on leadership in Public Administration. During his 30 years in the USAF, Colonel (ret) Bottomlee served in various positions related to his experience as an F-16 pilot such as his most recent combat deployment as the NATO Director of Air Operations in Kabul, Afghanistan. In this role, he was responsible for the planning and execution of all combat aviation flights including close air support, airlift, MEDIVAC, space, helicopter, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Advising Interests: Leadership, Moral Courage, the Profession of Arms, Ethics, Moral Injury, Toxic Leadership, Organizational Culture and Change, Combat Airpower, Core Values, Strategic/Critical/Creative Thinking, Negotiations Research Interests: Leadership, Moral Courage, Character Development, the Profession of Arms Degrees: PhD in Political Science focused in Public Administration & Leadership from Auburn University; MA in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College; MA in Counseling and Leadership Development from the University of Colorado; MA in Business Administration (MBA) from California State University; BA in Political Science from the U.S. Air Force Academy (Go Falcons!). Active Duty Experience: Dean, Associate Dean, Dept Chair at Air War College; Director of Air Operations NATO headquarters, Kabul, Afghanistan; Commander of the 3rd Fighter Training Squadron; F-16 instructor pilot with Egyptian Air Force, Command pilot with 2500 flight hours in the F-16 and AT-38 as an instructor, evaluator, and mission commander including 107 combat missions on multiple deployments specializing in the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) mission; Air Officer Commander at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Email: Mr. Chris Wilbeck, Colonel, USA (ret.), Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Advising Interests: Military History, Contingency Planning/Operational Planning/Operational Design, Mission Command, Joint Doctrine focused on the high end of the conflict continuum and/or Major Combat Operations. Research Interests: World War II military history, Soviet Operational Art, military history of the U.S. Civil War. Degrees: BS Business Administration, MBA, Masters in Military History, Masters in Military Arts and Science in Theater Operations (SAMS), Masters of Strategic Studies (Air War College). Experience: Over 28 years of active duty service in the U.S. Army as an Armor Officer. Served in operational and planning positions from Squadron/Battalion to the Division and Joint Level with multiple deployments supporting named contingency operations, including: Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, and Operation Enduring Freedom. Email: Col Rusty Allison, PhD, Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Strategy Advising Interests: Russia/Ukraine war, Strategic decision-making, Special Operations, NATO. Research Interests: Soviet Union, post-Soviet republics, nuclear history, nationalism, borderlands, history of technology. Degrees: PhD, History, Auburn University; Master of Int'l Public Policy, The Johns Hopkins University; Master of Strategic Studies (Grand Strategy), Air University; Master of Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Bachelor of Science, Legal Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy. Email: Col Shawn Covault, PhD, Director, Research and Electives Advising Interests: Leadership and Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Coalition/Alliance Operations, Stability/Support Operations, COIN Operations, Military Train, Advise, and Assist Operations, Mission Command. Research Interests: Leadership, Cultural Intelligence, Coalitions and Alliances, the Profession of Arms. Degrees: PhD, Global Leadership, Troy University; MA, Strategic Studies, Air War College; MA, Military Studies, Marine Corps Command and Staff College; MS, Management, Troy State University; BS, Management, U.S. Air Force Academy Experience: Vice Commander, Barnes Center for Enlisted Professional Military Education; Commander, 375th Mission Support Group, Commander; 72nd Security Forces Squadron; Commander, 732nd ESFS Police Transition Team, Iraq; Commander, 99th Ground Combat Training Squadron; Commander, 607th Ground Combat Readiness Squadron; Training Division Chief, Expeditionary Operations, AF Installation Mission Support Center, FP Technology Branch Chief, CENTCOM J3/Joint Security Office; Base Defense Branch Chief, A4 AFSPC; Installation Anti-Terrorism Officer, 35th FW. E-Mail: Dean of Students Col Eric M. Peterson, Dean of Students Advising Interests: : Leadership, historic and contemporary campaigns/airpower, education and training, talent management, command and control, and privatized warfare. Degrees: Master of Strategic Studies, Air War College; Master of Military Operational Art and Science, School of Advanced Military Studies; Master of Arts in Theological Studies, Liberty University; Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, US Air Force Academy. Experience: Seminar Director, Air War College, Maxwell AFB, AL; Course Director, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL; Commander and DO, 99th Flying Training Squadron, JBSA-Randolph, TX; Airpower Strategist and Lead Action Officer, CSAF’s Focus Area 2, HAF/A5, Pentagon, Washington DC; Director of Staff, 437th Operations Group, JB Charleston, SC; Chief of Stan Eval, 14th Flying Training Squadron, JB Charleston, SC; Flight Commander, 48th Flying Training Squadron, Columbus AFB, MS; Operations Controller and C-17 Instructor Aircraft Commander, JB Lewis-McChord, WA. Flight Information: Rating: Command Pilot; Flight Hours: 5000+ (1100+ Combat); Aircraft Flown: C-17, T-1A, T-6A. E-Mail: