
PURPOSE: The Air University Board of Visitors (AU BoV) was established on March 27, 1946 by Air University Commander, General Muir S. Fairchild.  The AU BoV's purpose is to provide the Secretary of the Air Force, through the Air University Commander and President, independent advice and recommendations on matters pertaining to the educational, doctrinal, and research policies and activities of Air University.

MEMBERSHIP: The AU BoV is composed of senior educators, chief executive officers of business, and retired military.  All members are appointed, by the Secretary of Defense, to provide their best judgement without representing any particular point of view and in a manner that is free from conflict of interest.  AU BoV Members serve on the Parent Committee, Air Force Institution of Technology Subcommittee, or the Community College of the Air Force Subcommittee. 

BOARD MEMBERSHIP CONTACT: To contact members of the Air University Board of Visitors, please send your request to the Designated Federal Officer listed below.        

Name and Address

Air University Board of Visitors (#393)
55 LeMay Plaza South
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

DoD Sponsor

Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

Designated Federal Officer

Dr. Shawn Patrick O'Mailia
55 LeMay Plaza South
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112
Phone: (334) 4953-4547

Point of Contact for media and committee documentation:

Phone: (334) 953-4547

Upcoming or Recent Meetings:
AU BOV Parent Committee:  8 - 9 Apr 25 (Maxwell AFB, AL) 

AFIT Subcommittee:  7 - 8 Oct 25 (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH)
CCAF Subcommittee:  10 - 11 Feb 26 (Location TBD)

Interested in Attending a meeting or questions concerning the Board of Visitors?
Phone: (334) 953-4547

Future Meeting Dates

Parent Committee
Year April November
2025 8-9 4-5
2026 7-8 3-4
2027 6-7 2-3
2028 4-5 7-8
2029 3-4 6-7
2030 2-3 5-6


AFIT Subcommittee
2025 October 8-9
2026 October 6-7
2027 October 5-6
2028 October 3-4
2029 October 2-3
2030 October 1-2


CCAF Subcommittee
2025 February 4-5
2026 February 10-11
2027 February 9-10
2028 February 8-9
2029 February 6-7
2030 February 5-6


AU BoV Member Forms and Documents
Documents                                                                                Forms
AU BoV Member handbook OGE 450, Confidential Financial Disclosure Report
Ethics Guide for Consultants and Advisory Committees SF-61, Appointment Affidavits
AU BoV Member Ethics Training Certification DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher

Dr. Wayne T. Davis

Dr. Wayne T. Davis
Chair, Parent Committee

Dr. Wayne T. Davis Chancellor Emeritus and Dean of Engineering Emeritus of the University of Tennessee - Knoxville.  He served as Interim Chancellor of the University of Tennessee - Knoxville from May 2018 - June 2019.  Dr. Davis served as Dean of the Tickle College of Engineering from 2009 to 2018. As a faculty member, he conducted research with emphasis on air quality management and air pollution control. His research areas include modeling of ozone formation in the environment; control of air pollution control and monitoring of emissions from combustion processes including coal-fired boilers, incinerators, and diesel engines; air filtration (indoor air filtration and fabric filtration); mobile source emissions and other air pollution related research areas.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Civil Engineering – The University of Tennessee - Knoxville
-  M.S., Environmental Engineering – The University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  M.S., Physics – Clemson University
-  B.A., Physics – Pfeiffer College

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Interim Chancellor, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  Dean, College of Engineering, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  Qualified Environmental Professional, Institute of Professional Environmental Practice
-  Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive experience in engineering and technology
-  Strong leadership and management background

Dr. Michele Wheatly

Dr. Michele G. Wheatly
Chair, AFIT Subcommittee and Advisor to Chair, Parent Committee

Michele G. Wheatly currently serves as Professor of Biology at Syracuse University and has served as Special Advisor to the Chancellor and President (2020-2021) after completing a term as Vice Chancellor and Provost (2016-2020). Previously she served as Vice President and Provost at West Virginia University (2010-2014). In these successive roles as Chief Academic Officer at two Carnegie R1 Universities, she has extensive experience in higher education administration including institutional and programmatic accreditation, strategic and emergency planning, legal and legislative matters, institutional research and effectiveness, program development, military relations, and related issues. Previously she served as Dean of Science and Mathematics (2002-2010) and Chair of Biological Sciences (1994-2002) at Wright State University. She served as PI of the NSF-funded ADVANCE IT award: In the footsteps of Katharine Wright: Promoting STEM women through Launching Equity Across the Dayton Entrepreneurial Region, a consortium of WSU, University of Dayton, AFIT and Central State University. She has been recognized for her STEM equity efforts and currently serves on the External Advisory Committee of the ADVANCE Resource and Coordination network. She ascended the academic ranks at the University of Florida in the Zoology Department (1984-1994). An integrative biologist by training, her lab performed research on cellular and molecular biology of epithelial ion motive proteins.

Academic Education and Professional Education
-  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary
-  Ph.D., Comparative Physiology – Birmingham University, U.K.
-  B.Sc., Biological Sciences – Birmingham University, U.K.
-  ACE Institute for Chief Academic Officers
-  Executive Training, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Ohio Women’s Hall of Fame, Governor of Ohio
-  Presidential Medal, Society for Experimental Biology
-  Numerous (111) peer reviewed journal articles
-  Member of many professional associations

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in higher education administration, including institutional and programmatic accreditation
-  Significant leadership and management background
-  Experience with AF Professional Military Education and AF Technical Training
-  Strong background in strategic and emergency planning

Colonel Michael Cartney, USAF (Ret)

Col Michael D. Cartney, USAF (Ret)
Chair, CCAF Subcommittee and Member, Parent Committee

Col Michael Cartney is the former President, Lake Area Technical College and held that position since 2007.  He is now, President Emeritus of Lake Area Technical College.  In his position as the Lake Area Technical College President, Colonel Cartney has redefined the business-education partnership; and the role industry plays in student success; and the role education plays in workforce and economic development.  Colonel Cartney served the United States Air Force for 30 years, where he served in a variety of leadership positions.  Most notably, Colonel Cartney played a key role in developing the DoD’s vision and operational concepts describing how our fighting forces will use communications in the 2020-2030 timeframe.  Colonel Cartney assisted in the development the DoD’s vision of how the US will fight in cyberspace. 

Academic Education
-  National Defense Fellow – Harvard University
-  M.S., Numerical Analysis – Purdue University
-  B.S., Computer Science – U.S. Air Force Academy

Notable Experience and Honors
-  President, Lake Area Technical College
-  Recipient, Aspen Prize for Community College excellence
-  Commissioner, Midwestern Higher Education Compact
-  Executive Committee, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber, defense, and higher education
-  Strong leadership and management background 
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Familiar with Air Force education and military culture

Lt Gen (Dr)  Robert J. Elder, Jr., USAF (Ret)

Lt Gen (Dr) Robert J. Elder, Jr., USAF (Ret)
Senior Military Advisor to the Chair; Member, Parent Committee and AFIT Subcommittee 

Lieutenant General (Retired) Robert Elder, D.Engr, joined the George Mason University faculty as a research professor with the Volgenau School of Engineering following his retirement from military service as the Commander of 8th Air Force and U.S. Strategic Command’s Global Strike Component. He currently conducts research in the areas of command and control, assured communications, strategic stability and deterrence, competition-cooperation management, and international actor decision-making. General Elder served as the Central Command Air Forces Deputy Commander for Operation Enduring Freedom, Air Operations Center Commander and Deputy Air Component Commander for Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Commandant of the Air War College. He was the first commander of Air Force Network Operations and led the development of the cyberspace mission for the Air Force.

Academic Education
-  D.Engr, Engineering – University of Detroit
-  M.S., Engineering – University of Detroit
-  B.S., Electrical Engineering – University of Detroit

Military and Professional Education
-  Squadron Officer School, by correspondence
-  Distinguished graduate, Air Command and Staff College
-  Air War College, by seminar
-  National War College
-  Senior Executive Program, Columbia University Graduate School of Business
-  Senior Executive Course, George C. Marshall College of International and Security Studies
-  Combined Force Air Component Commander Course
-  Joint Flag Officer Warfighting Course
-  Systems Acquisition Management for General/Flag Officers
-  Pinnacle Course
-  Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century, Executive Leadership Course, Walt Disney Corporation

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Commander, 8th Air Force, Air Combat Command
-  Command Pilot with over 4,300 flying hours, including 83 combat hours
-  Commandant, Air War College
-  Various AF Awards and Honors, including:  Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and        Bronze Star

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber and defense
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with military education; former Air War College Commandant
-  Familiar with Air University, Air Force Institute of technology, officer education, and military culture

Col (Dr) Richard Bailey

Col (Dr) Richard J. Bailey, USAF (Ret)
Member, Parent Committee  

Col (Dr) Richard (Rick) Bailey is the president of Southern Oregon University.  He joined the university’s team in January 2022 after five-and-a-half years as the president of Northern New Mexico College and a twenty-four-year career in the United States Air Force.  During President Bailey’s tenure at Northern New Mexico College, the institution crafted a Strategic Direction document, completed successful renegotiations of collective bargaining agreements with faculty and staff for the first time in a decade, and more than doubled its student graduation rate. He was instrumental in the revitalization of the college’s El Rito campus and the reintroduction of key career technical education programs. He also brokered a partnership for the construction of a 1.5MW solar array on its El Rito campus, helped to establish the Anna Age Eight Institute for the study and prevention of childhood trauma, and led the creation of the Eagle Corporation, allowing the institution to partner with business entities for the purpose of diversifying the college’s revenue streams.

Dr. Bailey’s Air Force career included service as an aircraft commander, instructor pilot, and flight examiner. He retired from the Air Force as a full colonel and command pilot with over 3,500 flying hours.  After completing his PhD in 2006, Dr. Bailey served as a military liaison and defense trade analyst at the U.S. State Department. He later served as Chief Air Operations Officer at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Joint Force Command Brunssum in The Netherlands, where he oversaw air operations efforts for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan.  He also served as associate professor of strategy and security studies at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies at Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, and served as the school’s first-ever Dean of Students.  In 2014, Dr. Bailey was elected the first-ever President of the Air University Faculty Senate, advising senior leaders on all issues pertinent to the university’s 600+ faculty members. He is the only faculty member in the university’s history to receive both the Faculty Excellence Award, given annually to the highest rated faculty member at the university, and the Muir S. Fairchild Award, for the most outstanding contributions to Air Force Education.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Government – Georgetown University
-  M.A., International Affairs – Washington University – St. Louis
-  B.S., Engineering Science – United States Air Force Academy

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Command Pilot with over 3,500 flying hours
-  Associate professor of strategy and security
-  2019 Organization of the Year and Leader of the Year Award, Greater Española Valley Chamber of Commerce
​-  2019 New Mexico STEMY award, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Higher Education Institution of the Year

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber and defense
-  Strong leadership and management background 
-  Experience in higher education
-  Familiar with Air University and military culture

Dr. Judith L. Bonner
Dr. Judith L. Bonner,
Member, Parent Committee

Dr. Judy Bonner retired after a 43-year career in higher education. She capped an impressive career when she became the 28th President of The University of Alabama on November 1, 2012, after having served as the Provost and Executive Vice President for almost a decade. Dr. Bonner provided visionary leadership to Alabama’s flagship during a time of economic challenge and unprecedented growth. In recognition of her many accomplishments, the Board of Trustees established a $1,000,000 endowment, the Judy Bonner Presidential Medallion Prize, to be presented annually to a UA community member who has gone above and beyond to change the culture or implement new initiatives designed to advance the Alabama experience for undergraduate students. And, in 2022, the Board named the Child Development Research Center in her honor. After her retirement in June 2016, she answered Mississippi State University’s call and served as Provost from July 2016 – July 2019.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D. in Human Nutrition – The Ohio State University
-  M.S. in Food and Nutrition – The University of Alabama
-  B.S. in Dietetics – The University of Alabama

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Elected to the Alabama Academy of Honor in 2014
-  National Alumni Association Distinguished Alumna Award in 2016
-  Amanda Grace Watson Distinctive Image Award in 2007 and again in 2017
-  Omicron Delta Kappa Living Legend Award in 2015
-  James V. Thompson Leadership Award, American Legion Boys State
-  Certificate of Honorary Membership, Alabama Corps of Cadets

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive background in leadership and management
-  Extensive background in academic administration

CMSgt Tamar S. Dennis, USAF, Ret; PhD

CMSgt Tamar S. Dennis, USAF (Ret); PhD
Member, Parent Committee and CCAF Subcommittee

CMSgt (retired) Tamar Dennis, Ph.D., served the United States for 27 years. She is currently attending law school at Samford University and is projected to graduate in 2024. CMSgt Dennis’ last Air Force assignment at Air University as the Command Chief and Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Air University Commander and President. In this role she developed strategic education programs impacting 320,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel and revitalized the Agile curriculum, interactive distance learning, relevant PME, and educational direction. CMSgt Dennis also served as the Command Chief for the 460th Space Wing at Buckley AFB where she advised Commander and senior staff regarding business and human resource policy issues and led 37 quality of life projects for a 1,200-person organization supporting 14K total force integration partners and families and a $48M spend. She also oversaw operational strategy, system changes, UAV mitigation, technology migration, and the 1st cybersecurity squad. CMSgt Dennis served as the Commandant, Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Kapaun Air Station and also served in several Air Force Security Forces positions, including Manger, 86th Security Forces Squadron; Manager, 51st Security Forces Squadron; and Operations Superintendent, 11th Security Forces Squadron. 

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Public Safety, Capella University
-  J.D., Cumberland School of Law, Samford University (Currently Enrolled)
-  M.S., Strategic Studies, USAF Air War College
-  M.S., Criminal Justice, Critical Incident Management, Saint Leo University
-  B.S., Human Services, Wayland Baptist University

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Command Chief, Air University
-  Command Chief, 460th Space Wing
-  Commandant, Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy
-  Member of select group of Chief Master Sergeants invited to attend Air War College, graduating with an M.S. in Strategic Studies

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber and defense
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with military education
-  Extensive familiarity with Air University, Community College of the Air Force, and enlisted education

Maj Gen Sharon K.G. Dunbar, USAF (Ret)

Maj Gen Sharon K.G. Dunbar, USAF (Ret)
Member, Parent Committee

Maj. Gen. Sharon K. G. Dunbar, USAF (Ret), currently Serves as the Vice President for Cross Company Business with General Dynamics Mission Systems where she is responsible for strategy and interface with senior Department of Defense customers focused on growth-generating business initiatives.  In her last Air Force assignment, Maj Gen Dunbar dual-hatted as Commander of the Air Force District of Washington (AFDW)  and the 320th Air Expeditionary Wing, headquartered at Joint Base Andrews, Md. AFDW is the Air Force component to the Joint Forces Headquarters-National Capital Region and is responsible for organizing, training and equipping combat forces for aerospace expeditionary forces, homeland operations, civil support, national special security events and ceremonial events. AFDW also provides major command-level support for 60,000 military and civilian personnel assigned worldwide. As commander, Dunbar is the Uniform Code of Military Justice authority for 40,000 Airmen.

Academic Education
-  M.S., National Security Studies – National War College
-  M.A., Business Administration – California State, Long Beach
-  B.S., Management – U.S. Air Force Academy

Military and Professional Education
-  Squadron Officer School
-  Kellogg National Fellowship Program, Battle Creek, Mich.
-  Air Command and Staff College, by seminar
-  Legislative Fellowship Program, Brookings Institution
-  Advanced Program Managers Course, Defense Systems Management College
-  Seminar XXI Foreign Politics, International Relations and the National Interest, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-  Senior Executive Fellows Program, Harvard University
-  Challenges in Global Leadership, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, England
-  Program for Senior Managers in Government, Harvard University, Cambridge

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Commander, Air Force District of Columbia
-  Command, 320th Air Expeditionary Wing
-  Director, Force Management Policy
-  Director of Manpower Policy, HQ AF

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in defense, manpower, and organizational resourcing
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with military Air Force Personnel system and functioning

Dr. Mildred Garcia

Dr. Mildred Garcia
Member, Parent Committee

Dr. Mildred García was recently named Chancellor of the California State University System, which is the nation's largest public four-year university system. She is a longtime higher education leader who is currently the President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and has served as the President since January 2018.  As AASCU's president, Dr. García is an advocate for public higher education at the national level, working to influence federal policy and regulations on behalf of nearly 400 member colleges and universities; serving as a resource to presidents and chancellors as they address state policy and emerging campus issues; developing collaborative partnerships and initiatives that advance public higher education; directing a strategic agenda that focuses on public college and university leadership for the 21st century; and providing professional development opportunities for presidents, chancellors, and their spouses. She is the first Latina to lead one of the six presidentially based higher education associations in Washington, D.C.  Prior to joining AASCU, Dr. García served as the president of two Minority Serving Institutions: California State University (CSU), Fullerton—a nationally ranked university for its full range of academic offerings and research, the largest university in the CSU, and the third‐largest university in the state—and at CSU Dominguez Hills, where she was the first Latina president in the largest system of public higher education in the country.

Academic Education
-  Ed.D., Higher Education Administration – Teachers College, Columbia University
-  M.A., Higher Education Administration – Teachers College, Columbia University
-  M.A., Business Education/Higher Education – New York University
-  B.S., Business Education – Baruch College, City University of New York
-  A.A.S., New York City Community College

Notable Experience and Honors
-  President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
-  Former President, California State University – Fullerton
-  Former President, California State University – Dominguez Hills
-  Former CEO, Berkeley College (first system-wide president for all six campuses)
-  National and International Conference Speaker
-  Published extensively in academic journals and contributor to multiple books on student success, leadership, diversity, equity, and inclusion

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive background in leadership and management
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive background in student success, diversity, equity and inclusion
-  Has previously served as the AU BOV Member, thus providing continuity


Ms. Cate R. Gutowski

Ms. Cate R. Gutowski
Member, AFIT Subcommittee

Cate Gutowski is the CEO at, where her primary responsibility is to grow and scale the company, focused on helping food & beverage manufacturers solve intricate manufacturing challenges by using their cloud-based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) software platform, Pocket Factory. Quantis empowers manufacturers to digitally transform into smart factories, and rapidly delivers improvements in downtime, operating costs and sustainability by helping their clients adopt cutting edge technologies in AI, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Before assuming her role at Quantis, Ms. Gutowski served as the Chief Operating Officer at Primo Water Corporation. During her tenure at Primo, she played a pivotal role in revitalizing the company's growth trajectory, which had stagnated for a decade. She achieved this by increasing investment in building digital capabilities in data & analytics and data science which enabled increased focus on driving growth with their most profitable customer personas in key profit & loss units such as Mountain Valley, a fast-growing premium brand of spring water.

Ms. Gutowski's extensive professional background encompasses various leadership roles. Notably, she served as the Head of Worldwide Sales Enablement, Training, and Communications at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Prior to Amazon, she held the role of Senior Vice President for Worldwide Sales & Services at Panasonic Avionics Corporation, and multiple leadership positions with General Electric in both the US and in Europe as the Vice President for Worldwide Commercial, Vice President for Product Management in Digital Transformation, Vice President for Product Management in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and General Manager for Commercial Operations in Europe, Middle East, & Africa.

Academic Education
-  MBA, Business Administration and Management, University of South Florida
-  B.A., Speech and Communications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Other Key Education - Licenses & Certifications
-  General Electric Digital:  Certified ScrumMaster; Agile Certified Product Manager and Product Owner Credentials; Certified Agile Leadership
-  General Electric:  GE Business Management Course; Certified Change Management Professional; GE Management Development Course; GE Technical Leadership Program Graduate; and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt
-  Harvard Business School:  Corporate Board Director

Notable Experience and Honors
-  CEO, Quantis
-  COO, Primo Water Corporation
-  Multiple senior leadership positions with General Electric and Amazon Web Services
-  C-suite, The Top 100 Chief Operating Officers -- 2022 and Hot Topics, Top 100 Sales Leaders -- 2016, 2017, 2018

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive leadership and management experience
-  Extensive knowledge of digital technologies, software and emerging technologies - AI, Machine Learning, and IIoT
-  Extensive knowledge of digital transformation, change management, and commercial innovation

Dr. Claire A. Nelson

Dr. Claire A. Nelson
Member, CCAF Subcommittee

Dr. Claire Nelson is Chief Ideation Leader of The Futures Forum, a research and education practice specializing in bringing the power of strategic foresight, and the discipline of sustainability engineering to challenges facing organizations and communities. Nelson, named on Forbes as one of top 50 female futurists in the world, is author of the game-changing book “SMART Futures for a Flourishing World: A Paradigm for Advancing Global Sustainability”.

A sought-after consultant and speaker, Nelson’s engagements have included: World Bank; World Steel; US Air Force; and Engineering for One Planet. Dr. Nelson is a Member of the Board of the World Futures Studies Federation as well as Editor-At-Large of its flagship publication Human Futures Magazine. The convenor of the Space Futures Forum, she also sits on the leadership team at the Institute of Space Law and Ethics.

A social entrepreneur, Dr. Nelson is Founding President of the Institute of Caribbean Studies, the leading Caribbean American Diaspora organization and celebrated as the Convening Chair of the Campaign for June as National Caribbean American Heritage Month. She is Curator of the Caribbean American Legislative Forum on Capitol Hill and White House Briefings, the National Caribbean American Heritage Awards, and the Caribbean Space Society.

Dr. Nelson, an award-winning writer, storyteller, and performance artiste has written and performed two one woman show ‘Limbo Like This’, which tells the story of Caribbean Life in America; and ‘Moon Runnings: The Life & Times of the First Jamaican on the Moon’ at the ASU Emerge Festival of the Future, UNESCO, and International Moon Day. The only Black female in her graduating class, she holds a Doctorate in Engineering Management from the George Washington University (1990). Dr. Nelson was named a White House Champion of Change in 2012.

Academic Education
-  D.Min., The New Seminary
-  D.Sc., Engineering Administration, George Washington University
-  M.S., Industrial Engineering, Purdue University
-  B.S., Industrial engineering, State University of New York

Notable Experience and Honors (Since 2010)
-  Co-Founder, Irradianz Inc. (Clean Energy R&D), 2021.
-  Founding Convenor, Annual Interfaith Harmony Week Forum, The New Seminary, 2021 to present.
-  Founding Convenor, Space Futures Forum, 2019 to present.
-  Founding Convenor, Caribbean Space Society, 2018 to present.
-  Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, The Shock of the Future, 2018.
-  Fellow, National Security Forum, 2016.
-  Member, Selection Committee, 2015-16 AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships.
-  Guest Editor, ‘How We Share The Future: The Year 2030’, World Future Review Journal.
-  Convenor, Caribbean Sea Futures 2030 Initiative, 2012.
-  Outstanding Alumni Award, Department of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 2013.
-  White House Champion of Change, 2012.
-  Winner IDB’s Ortiz Mena Award for Leadership on Diversity in Development at IDB, 2010.

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive leadership and management experience.
-  Extensive expertise in transformation and change management.
-  Extensive expertise in innovation and problem solving.


Dr. Okada

Dr. Mary A.Y. Okada
Member, CCAF Subcommittee

Dr. Mary Ann Young Okada became the first female president and chief executive officer of Guam Community College in 2007.  Prior to serving as GCC President/CEO, Dr. Okada held several financial positions within the college, including Vice President of Financial Affairs, Controller, and General Accounting Supervisor.  Dr. Okada’s leadership has led to Guam Community College being consistently commended by both the public and private sectors for its development and support of workforce education.  Dr. Okada was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014 to serve on the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.  She is also a member of the American Association of Community Colleges; the Asian Pacific Association for Fiduciary Studies; the American Association of University Women; and the Association of Community College Trustees.  Dr. Okada is the current chair of the Pacific Postsecondary Education Council and serves as Board Chairperson for the Pacific Islands branch of the non-profit organization WestCare.

Academic Education
-  Ed.D., Educational Leadership – University of Phoenix
-  M.P.A. – University of Guam
-  B.A., Business Administration in Accounting and Management – University of Guam

Notable Experience and Honors
-  President & CEO, Guam Community College
-  Vice President, Financial Affairs, Controller, and General Accounting Supervisor
-  Multiple commissions and advisory boards

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive administration, leadership, and management background
-  Extensive experience with higher education, finance, and non-profits


Dr. John D. Schmisseur

Dr. John D. Schmisseur
Member, Parent Committee and AFIT Subcommittee

Dr. John D. Schmisseur is the executive director of the University of Tennessee Space Institute and is a professor within the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomechanical Engineering at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville. Dr. Schmisseur had a 23-year career with the Air Force Research Laboratory, where his final position was the Chief of the Energy, Power & Propulsion Sciences Division and Program Manager for Aerothermodynamics within the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). During his tenure at AFOSR, Schmisseur initiated and led the national foundational research plan for hypersonics that guided the investments of the DoD, NASA and national laboratories. He also championed the transition of basic research capabilities that have advanced flagship national hypersonics technology programs and transformed test and evaluation capabilities. In this role, he envisioned and initiated the HIFiRE program which unified the efforts of AFRL, NASA and the Australian DSTO to advance fundamental hypersonic science and technology via flight research. His responsibilities with AFOSR included coordination with other federal agencies and partner countries, leading to his establishment of a partnership with NASA to support more than 20 universities through three National Hypersonic Science Centers, leadership of a NATO Research & Technology Organization study involving contributions from six countries, and service on several review boards for agencies including NASA, ONR, and the NNSA.

Academic Education
- Ph.D., Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University
-  M.S. Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
-  B.S. Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
-  Department of Defense Acquisition Professional Development Program

Notable Experience and Honors
- Executive Director, University of Tennessee Space Institute
-  Professor, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  Twenty-three-year career with the United States Air Force, serving in a variety of aeronautical and astronautical roles
-  Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
- Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive experience in air, space, and defense
-  Strong leadership and management background

Dr. Elane Seebo

Dr. Elane K. Seebo
Member, Parent Committee and CCAF Subcommittee

Dr. Elane K. Seebo is a retired higher education administration who most recently served as the Senior Assistant to the President, Wayland Baptist University. In this role, Dr. Seebo advised the president on a variety of issues of interest to senior university administration, including institutional and programmatic accreditation, strategic and emergency planning, legal and legislative matters, institutional research and effectiveness, program development, military relations, and similar issues. Dr. Seebo has extensive experience with Air University, the Community College of the Air Force, and the Air Force Technical Training apparatus. She has served as the Dean of the Community College of the Air Force and as the Senior Training Administrator for the AF 82nd Training Group.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Education/Applied Technology and Training Development – University of North Texas
-  M.A., Human Resource Management – Pepperdine University
-  M.Ed., Secondary Education – Texas Tech University
-  M.A. Coursework, Counseling and Personnel Services – University of Maryland
-  B.A., English – Oklahoma State University (teacher certification – State of Oklahoma)

Notable Experience and Honors
- Senior Assistant to the President, Wayland Baptist University
-  Senior Training Administrator, 82nd Training Group
-  Dean, Community College of the Air Force
-  Commissioner, Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
-  University Accreditation Liaison, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with institutional and programmatic accreditation
-  Extensive experience the AF Professional Military Education and AF Technical Training
-  Strong background in strategic and emergency planning

Mr. Billy Starky

Mr. Billy L.B. Starkey, J.D., MBA
Member, Parent Committee and AFIT Subcommittee

Billy Starkey serves as board chairman of Palladion Signature Import (PSI) Limited, a global trade company, and was a founder of Nellis Edwards Associates, a public contracts advisory firm.  He previously served as GM & CFO of the Federal Division of Engage Point Inc, as VP of Strategic Development at Engility Corporation, and in multiple COO, CFO, and appointed staff roles across every industry sector of the Northrop Grumman Corporation.  Billy served a decade on active duty in USAF and NRO operational space & special access programs, followed by two decades serving defense and federal agencies in executive and staff roles over profit centers spanning $32B, $2B, and $150M in annual revenues. He also served in M&A lead roles involving two $100M acquisitions, a $1.5B divestiture, and a $6.2B spinoff, and served several years as an executive-in-residence (EIR) for HIG Capital, a leading global private equity firm.

Academic Education
-  J.D., American Jurisprudence & International Law – British American Univ (jointly with Cambridge University UK)
-  M.S., National Security & Resource Strategy – Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University
-  M.B.A, General Management – Webster University
-  M.A., Organizational Development – Webster University
-  B.S., Aeronautical Engineering – U.S. Air Force Academy

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Industry Fellow, National Defense University, Industrial College of the Armed Forces (now known as the Eisenhower School for National Security & Resource Strategy)
-  US Air Force Weapons School – Space & Cyber graduate and instructor
-  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management – Executive Certificate in Strategy & Innovation

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Advisory Council, US Space Force Association
-  Board of Advisors, University of Nebraska, College of Law – Space Law & Cyber Law post-JD programs
-  Board of Directors, Eisenhower School for National Security & Resource Strategy Association
-  Member of the American Bar Association (ABA)
    --  Space Law Committee
    --  Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Committee
    --  Public Contract Acquisition Reform Committee
    --  Battlespace & Contingency Procurement Committee

PURPOSE: The Air University Board of Visitors (AU BoV) was established on March 27, 1946 by Air University Commander, General Muir S. Fairchild.  The AU BoV's purpose is to provide the Secretary of the Air Force, through the Air University Commander and President, independent advice and recommendations on matters pertaining to the educational, doctrinal, and research policies and activities of Air University.

MEMBERSHIP: The AU BoV is composed of senior educators, chief executive officers of business, and retired military.  All members are appointed, by the Secretary of Defense, to provide their best judgement without representing any particular point of view and in a manner that is free from conflict of interest.  AU BoV Members serve on the Parent Committee, Air Force Institution of Technology Subcommittee, or the Community College of the Air Force Subcommittee. 

BOARD MEMBERSHIP CONTACT: To contact members of the Air University Board of Visitors, please send your request to the Designated Federal Officer listed below.        

Name and Address

Air University Board of Visitors (#393)
55 LeMay Plaza South
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

DoD Sponsor

Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

Designated Federal Officer

Dr. Shawn Patrick O'Mailia
55 LeMay Plaza South
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112
Phone: (334) 4953-4547

Point of Contact for media and committee documentation:

Phone: (334) 953-4547

Upcoming or Recent Meetings:
AU BOV Parent Committee:  8 - 9 Apr 25 (Maxwell AFB, AL) 

AFIT Subcommittee:  7 - 8 Oct 25 (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH)
CCAF Subcommittee:  10 - 11 Feb 26 (Location TBD)

Interested in Attending a meeting or questions concerning the Board of Visitors?
Phone: (334) 953-4547

AU BoV Member Forms and Documents
Documents                                                                                Forms
AU BoV Member handbook OGE 450, Confidential Financial Disclosure Report
Ethics Guide for Consultants and Advisory Committees SF-61, Appointment Affidavits
AU BoV Member Ethics Training Certification DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher

Dr. Wayne T. Davis

Dr. Wayne T. Davis
Chair, Parent Committee

Dr. Wayne T. Davis Chancellor Emeritus and Dean of Engineering Emeritus of the University of Tennessee - Knoxville.  He served as Interim Chancellor of the University of Tennessee - Knoxville from May 2018 - June 2019.  Dr. Davis served as Dean of the Tickle College of Engineering from 2009 to 2018. As a faculty member, he conducted research with emphasis on air quality management and air pollution control. His research areas include modeling of ozone formation in the environment; control of air pollution control and monitoring of emissions from combustion processes including coal-fired boilers, incinerators, and diesel engines; air filtration (indoor air filtration and fabric filtration); mobile source emissions and other air pollution related research areas.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Civil Engineering – The University of Tennessee - Knoxville
-  M.S., Environmental Engineering – The University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  M.S., Physics – Clemson University
-  B.A., Physics – Pfeiffer College

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Interim Chancellor, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  Dean, College of Engineering, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  Qualified Environmental Professional, Institute of Professional Environmental Practice
-  Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive experience in engineering and technology
-  Strong leadership and management background

Dr. Michele Wheatly

Dr. Michele G. Wheatly
Chair, AFIT Subcommittee and Advisor to Chair, Parent Committee

Michele G. Wheatly currently serves as Professor of Biology at Syracuse University and has served as Special Advisor to the Chancellor and President (2020-2021) after completing a term as Vice Chancellor and Provost (2016-2020). Previously she served as Vice President and Provost at West Virginia University (2010-2014). In these successive roles as Chief Academic Officer at two Carnegie R1 Universities, she has extensive experience in higher education administration including institutional and programmatic accreditation, strategic and emergency planning, legal and legislative matters, institutional research and effectiveness, program development, military relations, and related issues. Previously she served as Dean of Science and Mathematics (2002-2010) and Chair of Biological Sciences (1994-2002) at Wright State University. She served as PI of the NSF-funded ADVANCE IT award: In the footsteps of Katharine Wright: Promoting STEM women through Launching Equity Across the Dayton Entrepreneurial Region, a consortium of WSU, University of Dayton, AFIT and Central State University. She has been recognized for her STEM equity efforts and currently serves on the External Advisory Committee of the ADVANCE Resource and Coordination network. She ascended the academic ranks at the University of Florida in the Zoology Department (1984-1994). An integrative biologist by training, her lab performed research on cellular and molecular biology of epithelial ion motive proteins.

Academic Education and Professional Education
-  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary
-  Ph.D., Comparative Physiology – Birmingham University, U.K.
-  B.Sc., Biological Sciences – Birmingham University, U.K.
-  ACE Institute for Chief Academic Officers
-  Executive Training, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Ohio Women’s Hall of Fame, Governor of Ohio
-  Presidential Medal, Society for Experimental Biology
-  Numerous (111) peer reviewed journal articles
-  Member of many professional associations

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in higher education administration, including institutional and programmatic accreditation
-  Significant leadership and management background
-  Experience with AF Professional Military Education and AF Technical Training
-  Strong background in strategic and emergency planning

Colonel Michael Cartney, USAF (Ret)

Col Michael D. Cartney, USAF (Ret)
Chair, CCAF Subcommittee and Member, Parent Committee

Col Michael Cartney is the former President, Lake Area Technical College and held that position since 2007.  He is now, President Emeritus of Lake Area Technical College.  In his position as the Lake Area Technical College President, Colonel Cartney has redefined the business-education partnership; and the role industry plays in student success; and the role education plays in workforce and economic development.  Colonel Cartney served the United States Air Force for 30 years, where he served in a variety of leadership positions.  Most notably, Colonel Cartney played a key role in developing the DoD’s vision and operational concepts describing how our fighting forces will use communications in the 2020-2030 timeframe.  Colonel Cartney assisted in the development the DoD’s vision of how the US will fight in cyberspace. 

Academic Education
-  National Defense Fellow – Harvard University
-  M.S., Numerical Analysis – Purdue University
-  B.S., Computer Science – U.S. Air Force Academy

Notable Experience and Honors
-  President, Lake Area Technical College
-  Recipient, Aspen Prize for Community College excellence
-  Commissioner, Midwestern Higher Education Compact
-  Executive Committee, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber, defense, and higher education
-  Strong leadership and management background 
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Familiar with Air Force education and military culture

Lt Gen (Dr)  Robert J. Elder, Jr., USAF (Ret)

Lt Gen (Dr) Robert J. Elder, Jr., USAF (Ret)
Senior Military Advisor to the Chair; Member, Parent Committee and AFIT Subcommittee 

Lieutenant General (Retired) Robert Elder, D.Engr, joined the George Mason University faculty as a research professor with the Volgenau School of Engineering following his retirement from military service as the Commander of 8th Air Force and U.S. Strategic Command’s Global Strike Component. He currently conducts research in the areas of command and control, assured communications, strategic stability and deterrence, competition-cooperation management, and international actor decision-making. General Elder served as the Central Command Air Forces Deputy Commander for Operation Enduring Freedom, Air Operations Center Commander and Deputy Air Component Commander for Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Commandant of the Air War College. He was the first commander of Air Force Network Operations and led the development of the cyberspace mission for the Air Force.

Academic Education
-  D.Engr, Engineering – University of Detroit
-  M.S., Engineering – University of Detroit
-  B.S., Electrical Engineering – University of Detroit

Military and Professional Education
-  Squadron Officer School, by correspondence
-  Distinguished graduate, Air Command and Staff College
-  Air War College, by seminar
-  National War College
-  Senior Executive Program, Columbia University Graduate School of Business
-  Senior Executive Course, George C. Marshall College of International and Security Studies
-  Combined Force Air Component Commander Course
-  Joint Flag Officer Warfighting Course
-  Systems Acquisition Management for General/Flag Officers
-  Pinnacle Course
-  Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century, Executive Leadership Course, Walt Disney Corporation

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Commander, 8th Air Force, Air Combat Command
-  Command Pilot with over 4,300 flying hours, including 83 combat hours
-  Commandant, Air War College
-  Various AF Awards and Honors, including:  Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and        Bronze Star

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber and defense
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with military education; former Air War College Commandant
-  Familiar with Air University, Air Force Institute of technology, officer education, and military culture

Col (Dr) Richard Bailey

Col (Dr) Richard J. Bailey, USAF (Ret)
Member, Parent Committee  

Col (Dr) Richard (Rick) Bailey is the president of Southern Oregon University.  He joined the university’s team in January 2022 after five-and-a-half years as the president of Northern New Mexico College and a twenty-four-year career in the United States Air Force.  During President Bailey’s tenure at Northern New Mexico College, the institution crafted a Strategic Direction document, completed successful renegotiations of collective bargaining agreements with faculty and staff for the first time in a decade, and more than doubled its student graduation rate. He was instrumental in the revitalization of the college’s El Rito campus and the reintroduction of key career technical education programs. He also brokered a partnership for the construction of a 1.5MW solar array on its El Rito campus, helped to establish the Anna Age Eight Institute for the study and prevention of childhood trauma, and led the creation of the Eagle Corporation, allowing the institution to partner with business entities for the purpose of diversifying the college’s revenue streams.

Dr. Bailey’s Air Force career included service as an aircraft commander, instructor pilot, and flight examiner. He retired from the Air Force as a full colonel and command pilot with over 3,500 flying hours.  After completing his PhD in 2006, Dr. Bailey served as a military liaison and defense trade analyst at the U.S. State Department. He later served as Chief Air Operations Officer at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Joint Force Command Brunssum in The Netherlands, where he oversaw air operations efforts for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan.  He also served as associate professor of strategy and security studies at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies at Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, and served as the school’s first-ever Dean of Students.  In 2014, Dr. Bailey was elected the first-ever President of the Air University Faculty Senate, advising senior leaders on all issues pertinent to the university’s 600+ faculty members. He is the only faculty member in the university’s history to receive both the Faculty Excellence Award, given annually to the highest rated faculty member at the university, and the Muir S. Fairchild Award, for the most outstanding contributions to Air Force Education.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Government – Georgetown University
-  M.A., International Affairs – Washington University – St. Louis
-  B.S., Engineering Science – United States Air Force Academy

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Command Pilot with over 3,500 flying hours
-  Associate professor of strategy and security
-  2019 Organization of the Year and Leader of the Year Award, Greater Española Valley Chamber of Commerce
​-  2019 New Mexico STEMY award, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Higher Education Institution of the Year

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber and defense
-  Strong leadership and management background 
-  Experience in higher education
-  Familiar with Air University and military culture

Dr. Judith L. Bonner
Dr. Judith L. Bonner,
Member, Parent Committee

Dr. Judy Bonner retired after a 43-year career in higher education. She capped an impressive career when she became the 28th President of The University of Alabama on November 1, 2012, after having served as the Provost and Executive Vice President for almost a decade. Dr. Bonner provided visionary leadership to Alabama’s flagship during a time of economic challenge and unprecedented growth. In recognition of her many accomplishments, the Board of Trustees established a $1,000,000 endowment, the Judy Bonner Presidential Medallion Prize, to be presented annually to a UA community member who has gone above and beyond to change the culture or implement new initiatives designed to advance the Alabama experience for undergraduate students. And, in 2022, the Board named the Child Development Research Center in her honor. After her retirement in June 2016, she answered Mississippi State University’s call and served as Provost from July 2016 – July 2019.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D. in Human Nutrition – The Ohio State University
-  M.S. in Food and Nutrition – The University of Alabama
-  B.S. in Dietetics – The University of Alabama

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Elected to the Alabama Academy of Honor in 2014
-  National Alumni Association Distinguished Alumna Award in 2016
-  Amanda Grace Watson Distinctive Image Award in 2007 and again in 2017
-  Omicron Delta Kappa Living Legend Award in 2015
-  James V. Thompson Leadership Award, American Legion Boys State
-  Certificate of Honorary Membership, Alabama Corps of Cadets

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive background in leadership and management
-  Extensive background in academic administration

CMSgt Tamar S. Dennis, USAF, Ret; PhD

CMSgt Tamar S. Dennis, USAF (Ret); PhD
Member, Parent Committee and CCAF Subcommittee

CMSgt (retired) Tamar Dennis, Ph.D., served the United States for 27 years. She is currently attending law school at Samford University and is projected to graduate in 2024. CMSgt Dennis’ last Air Force assignment at Air University as the Command Chief and Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Air University Commander and President. In this role she developed strategic education programs impacting 320,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel and revitalized the Agile curriculum, interactive distance learning, relevant PME, and educational direction. CMSgt Dennis also served as the Command Chief for the 460th Space Wing at Buckley AFB where she advised Commander and senior staff regarding business and human resource policy issues and led 37 quality of life projects for a 1,200-person organization supporting 14K total force integration partners and families and a $48M spend. She also oversaw operational strategy, system changes, UAV mitigation, technology migration, and the 1st cybersecurity squad. CMSgt Dennis served as the Commandant, Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Kapaun Air Station and also served in several Air Force Security Forces positions, including Manger, 86th Security Forces Squadron; Manager, 51st Security Forces Squadron; and Operations Superintendent, 11th Security Forces Squadron. 

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Public Safety, Capella University
-  J.D., Cumberland School of Law, Samford University (Currently Enrolled)
-  M.S., Strategic Studies, USAF Air War College
-  M.S., Criminal Justice, Critical Incident Management, Saint Leo University
-  B.S., Human Services, Wayland Baptist University

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Command Chief, Air University
-  Command Chief, 460th Space Wing
-  Commandant, Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy
-  Member of select group of Chief Master Sergeants invited to attend Air War College, graduating with an M.S. in Strategic Studies

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in air, space, cyber and defense
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with military education
-  Extensive familiarity with Air University, Community College of the Air Force, and enlisted education

Maj Gen Sharon K.G. Dunbar, USAF (Ret)

Maj Gen Sharon K.G. Dunbar, USAF (Ret)
Member, Parent Committee

Maj. Gen. Sharon K. G. Dunbar, USAF (Ret), currently Serves as the Vice President for Cross Company Business with General Dynamics Mission Systems where she is responsible for strategy and interface with senior Department of Defense customers focused on growth-generating business initiatives.  In her last Air Force assignment, Maj Gen Dunbar dual-hatted as Commander of the Air Force District of Washington (AFDW)  and the 320th Air Expeditionary Wing, headquartered at Joint Base Andrews, Md. AFDW is the Air Force component to the Joint Forces Headquarters-National Capital Region and is responsible for organizing, training and equipping combat forces for aerospace expeditionary forces, homeland operations, civil support, national special security events and ceremonial events. AFDW also provides major command-level support for 60,000 military and civilian personnel assigned worldwide. As commander, Dunbar is the Uniform Code of Military Justice authority for 40,000 Airmen.

Academic Education
-  M.S., National Security Studies – National War College
-  M.A., Business Administration – California State, Long Beach
-  B.S., Management – U.S. Air Force Academy

Military and Professional Education
-  Squadron Officer School
-  Kellogg National Fellowship Program, Battle Creek, Mich.
-  Air Command and Staff College, by seminar
-  Legislative Fellowship Program, Brookings Institution
-  Advanced Program Managers Course, Defense Systems Management College
-  Seminar XXI Foreign Politics, International Relations and the National Interest, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-  Senior Executive Fellows Program, Harvard University
-  Challenges in Global Leadership, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, England
-  Program for Senior Managers in Government, Harvard University, Cambridge

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Commander, Air Force District of Columbia
-  Command, 320th Air Expeditionary Wing
-  Director, Force Management Policy
-  Director of Manpower Policy, HQ AF

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in defense, manpower, and organizational resourcing
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with military Air Force Personnel system and functioning

Dr. Mildred Garcia

Dr. Mildred Garcia
Member, Parent Committee

Dr. Mildred García was recently named Chancellor of the California State University System, which is the nation's largest public four-year university system. She is a longtime higher education leader who is currently the President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and has served as the President since January 2018.  As AASCU's president, Dr. García is an advocate for public higher education at the national level, working to influence federal policy and regulations on behalf of nearly 400 member colleges and universities; serving as a resource to presidents and chancellors as they address state policy and emerging campus issues; developing collaborative partnerships and initiatives that advance public higher education; directing a strategic agenda that focuses on public college and university leadership for the 21st century; and providing professional development opportunities for presidents, chancellors, and their spouses. She is the first Latina to lead one of the six presidentially based higher education associations in Washington, D.C.  Prior to joining AASCU, Dr. García served as the president of two Minority Serving Institutions: California State University (CSU), Fullerton—a nationally ranked university for its full range of academic offerings and research, the largest university in the CSU, and the third‐largest university in the state—and at CSU Dominguez Hills, where she was the first Latina president in the largest system of public higher education in the country.

Academic Education
-  Ed.D., Higher Education Administration – Teachers College, Columbia University
-  M.A., Higher Education Administration – Teachers College, Columbia University
-  M.A., Business Education/Higher Education – New York University
-  B.S., Business Education – Baruch College, City University of New York
-  A.A.S., New York City Community College

Notable Experience and Honors
-  President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
-  Former President, California State University – Fullerton
-  Former President, California State University – Dominguez Hills
-  Former CEO, Berkeley College (first system-wide president for all six campuses)
-  National and International Conference Speaker
-  Published extensively in academic journals and contributor to multiple books on student success, leadership, diversity, equity, and inclusion

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive background in leadership and management
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive background in student success, diversity, equity and inclusion
-  Has previously served as the AU BOV Member, thus providing continuity


Ms. Cate R. Gutowski

Ms. Cate R. Gutowski
Member, AFIT Subcommittee

Cate Gutowski is the CEO at, where her primary responsibility is to grow and scale the company, focused on helping food & beverage manufacturers solve intricate manufacturing challenges by using their cloud-based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) software platform, Pocket Factory. Quantis empowers manufacturers to digitally transform into smart factories, and rapidly delivers improvements in downtime, operating costs and sustainability by helping their clients adopt cutting edge technologies in AI, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Before assuming her role at Quantis, Ms. Gutowski served as the Chief Operating Officer at Primo Water Corporation. During her tenure at Primo, she played a pivotal role in revitalizing the company's growth trajectory, which had stagnated for a decade. She achieved this by increasing investment in building digital capabilities in data & analytics and data science which enabled increased focus on driving growth with their most profitable customer personas in key profit & loss units such as Mountain Valley, a fast-growing premium brand of spring water.

Ms. Gutowski's extensive professional background encompasses various leadership roles. Notably, she served as the Head of Worldwide Sales Enablement, Training, and Communications at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Prior to Amazon, she held the role of Senior Vice President for Worldwide Sales & Services at Panasonic Avionics Corporation, and multiple leadership positions with General Electric in both the US and in Europe as the Vice President for Worldwide Commercial, Vice President for Product Management in Digital Transformation, Vice President for Product Management in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and General Manager for Commercial Operations in Europe, Middle East, & Africa.

Academic Education
-  MBA, Business Administration and Management, University of South Florida
-  B.A., Speech and Communications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Other Key Education - Licenses & Certifications
-  General Electric Digital:  Certified ScrumMaster; Agile Certified Product Manager and Product Owner Credentials; Certified Agile Leadership
-  General Electric:  GE Business Management Course; Certified Change Management Professional; GE Management Development Course; GE Technical Leadership Program Graduate; and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt
-  Harvard Business School:  Corporate Board Director

Notable Experience and Honors
-  CEO, Quantis
-  COO, Primo Water Corporation
-  Multiple senior leadership positions with General Electric and Amazon Web Services
-  C-suite, The Top 100 Chief Operating Officers -- 2022 and Hot Topics, Top 100 Sales Leaders -- 2016, 2017, 2018

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive leadership and management experience
-  Extensive knowledge of digital technologies, software and emerging technologies - AI, Machine Learning, and IIoT
-  Extensive knowledge of digital transformation, change management, and commercial innovation

Dr. Claire A. Nelson

Dr. Claire A. Nelson
Member, CCAF Subcommittee

Dr. Claire Nelson is Chief Ideation Leader of The Futures Forum, a research and education practice specializing in bringing the power of strategic foresight, and the discipline of sustainability engineering to challenges facing organizations and communities. Nelson, named on Forbes as one of top 50 female futurists in the world, is author of the game-changing book “SMART Futures for a Flourishing World: A Paradigm for Advancing Global Sustainability”.

A sought-after consultant and speaker, Nelson’s engagements have included: World Bank; World Steel; US Air Force; and Engineering for One Planet. Dr. Nelson is a Member of the Board of the World Futures Studies Federation as well as Editor-At-Large of its flagship publication Human Futures Magazine. The convenor of the Space Futures Forum, she also sits on the leadership team at the Institute of Space Law and Ethics.

A social entrepreneur, Dr. Nelson is Founding President of the Institute of Caribbean Studies, the leading Caribbean American Diaspora organization and celebrated as the Convening Chair of the Campaign for June as National Caribbean American Heritage Month. She is Curator of the Caribbean American Legislative Forum on Capitol Hill and White House Briefings, the National Caribbean American Heritage Awards, and the Caribbean Space Society.

Dr. Nelson, an award-winning writer, storyteller, and performance artiste has written and performed two one woman show ‘Limbo Like This’, which tells the story of Caribbean Life in America; and ‘Moon Runnings: The Life & Times of the First Jamaican on the Moon’ at the ASU Emerge Festival of the Future, UNESCO, and International Moon Day. The only Black female in her graduating class, she holds a Doctorate in Engineering Management from the George Washington University (1990). Dr. Nelson was named a White House Champion of Change in 2012.

Academic Education
-  D.Min., The New Seminary
-  D.Sc., Engineering Administration, George Washington University
-  M.S., Industrial Engineering, Purdue University
-  B.S., Industrial engineering, State University of New York

Notable Experience and Honors (Since 2010)
-  Co-Founder, Irradianz Inc. (Clean Energy R&D), 2021.
-  Founding Convenor, Annual Interfaith Harmony Week Forum, The New Seminary, 2021 to present.
-  Founding Convenor, Space Futures Forum, 2019 to present.
-  Founding Convenor, Caribbean Space Society, 2018 to present.
-  Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, The Shock of the Future, 2018.
-  Fellow, National Security Forum, 2016.
-  Member, Selection Committee, 2015-16 AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships.
-  Guest Editor, ‘How We Share The Future: The Year 2030’, World Future Review Journal.
-  Convenor, Caribbean Sea Futures 2030 Initiative, 2012.
-  Outstanding Alumni Award, Department of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 2013.
-  White House Champion of Change, 2012.
-  Winner IDB’s Ortiz Mena Award for Leadership on Diversity in Development at IDB, 2010.

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive leadership and management experience.
-  Extensive expertise in transformation and change management.
-  Extensive expertise in innovation and problem solving.


Dr. Okada

Dr. Mary A.Y. Okada
Member, CCAF Subcommittee

Dr. Mary Ann Young Okada became the first female president and chief executive officer of Guam Community College in 2007.  Prior to serving as GCC President/CEO, Dr. Okada held several financial positions within the college, including Vice President of Financial Affairs, Controller, and General Accounting Supervisor.  Dr. Okada’s leadership has led to Guam Community College being consistently commended by both the public and private sectors for its development and support of workforce education.  Dr. Okada was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014 to serve on the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.  She is also a member of the American Association of Community Colleges; the Asian Pacific Association for Fiduciary Studies; the American Association of University Women; and the Association of Community College Trustees.  Dr. Okada is the current chair of the Pacific Postsecondary Education Council and serves as Board Chairperson for the Pacific Islands branch of the non-profit organization WestCare.

Academic Education
-  Ed.D., Educational Leadership – University of Phoenix
-  M.P.A. – University of Guam
-  B.A., Business Administration in Accounting and Management – University of Guam

Notable Experience and Honors
-  President & CEO, Guam Community College
-  Vice President, Financial Affairs, Controller, and General Accounting Supervisor
-  Multiple commissions and advisory boards

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive administration, leadership, and management background
-  Extensive experience with higher education, finance, and non-profits


Dr. John D. Schmisseur

Dr. John D. Schmisseur
Member, Parent Committee and AFIT Subcommittee

Dr. John D. Schmisseur is the executive director of the University of Tennessee Space Institute and is a professor within the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomechanical Engineering at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville. Dr. Schmisseur had a 23-year career with the Air Force Research Laboratory, where his final position was the Chief of the Energy, Power & Propulsion Sciences Division and Program Manager for Aerothermodynamics within the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). During his tenure at AFOSR, Schmisseur initiated and led the national foundational research plan for hypersonics that guided the investments of the DoD, NASA and national laboratories. He also championed the transition of basic research capabilities that have advanced flagship national hypersonics technology programs and transformed test and evaluation capabilities. In this role, he envisioned and initiated the HIFiRE program which unified the efforts of AFRL, NASA and the Australian DSTO to advance fundamental hypersonic science and technology via flight research. His responsibilities with AFOSR included coordination with other federal agencies and partner countries, leading to his establishment of a partnership with NASA to support more than 20 universities through three National Hypersonic Science Centers, leadership of a NATO Research & Technology Organization study involving contributions from six countries, and service on several review boards for agencies including NASA, ONR, and the NNSA.

Academic Education
- Ph.D., Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University
-  M.S. Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
-  B.S. Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
-  Department of Defense Acquisition Professional Development Program

Notable Experience and Honors
- Executive Director, University of Tennessee Space Institute
-  Professor, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
-  Twenty-three-year career with the United States Air Force, serving in a variety of aeronautical and astronautical roles
-  Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
- Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive experience in air, space, and defense
-  Strong leadership and management background

Dr. Elane Seebo

Dr. Elane K. Seebo
Member, Parent Committee and CCAF Subcommittee

Dr. Elane K. Seebo is a retired higher education administration who most recently served as the Senior Assistant to the President, Wayland Baptist University. In this role, Dr. Seebo advised the president on a variety of issues of interest to senior university administration, including institutional and programmatic accreditation, strategic and emergency planning, legal and legislative matters, institutional research and effectiveness, program development, military relations, and similar issues. Dr. Seebo has extensive experience with Air University, the Community College of the Air Force, and the Air Force Technical Training apparatus. She has served as the Dean of the Community College of the Air Force and as the Senior Training Administrator for the AF 82nd Training Group.

Academic Education
-  Ph.D., Education/Applied Technology and Training Development – University of North Texas
-  M.A., Human Resource Management – Pepperdine University
-  M.Ed., Secondary Education – Texas Tech University
-  M.A. Coursework, Counseling and Personnel Services – University of Maryland
-  B.A., English – Oklahoma State University (teacher certification – State of Oklahoma)

Notable Experience and Honors
- Senior Assistant to the President, Wayland Baptist University
-  Senior Training Administrator, 82nd Training Group
-  Dean, Community College of the Air Force
-  Commissioner, Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
-  University Accreditation Liaison, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Extensive experience in higher education
-  Extensive leadership and management background
-  Extensive experience with institutional and programmatic accreditation
-  Extensive experience the AF Professional Military Education and AF Technical Training
-  Strong background in strategic and emergency planning

Mr. Billy Starky

Mr. Billy L.B. Starkey, J.D., MBA
Member, Parent Committee and AFIT Subcommittee

Billy Starkey serves as board chairman of Palladion Signature Import (PSI) Limited, a global trade company, and was a founder of Nellis Edwards Associates, a public contracts advisory firm.  He previously served as GM & CFO of the Federal Division of Engage Point Inc, as VP of Strategic Development at Engility Corporation, and in multiple COO, CFO, and appointed staff roles across every industry sector of the Northrop Grumman Corporation.  Billy served a decade on active duty in USAF and NRO operational space & special access programs, followed by two decades serving defense and federal agencies in executive and staff roles over profit centers spanning $32B, $2B, and $150M in annual revenues. He also served in M&A lead roles involving two $100M acquisitions, a $1.5B divestiture, and a $6.2B spinoff, and served several years as an executive-in-residence (EIR) for HIG Capital, a leading global private equity firm.

Academic Education
-  J.D., American Jurisprudence & International Law – British American Univ (jointly with Cambridge University UK)
-  M.S., National Security & Resource Strategy – Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University
-  M.B.A, General Management – Webster University
-  M.A., Organizational Development – Webster University
-  B.S., Aeronautical Engineering – U.S. Air Force Academy

Notable Experience and Honors
-  Industry Fellow, National Defense University, Industrial College of the Armed Forces (now known as the Eisenhower School for National Security & Resource Strategy)
-  US Air Force Weapons School – Space & Cyber graduate and instructor
-  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management – Executive Certificate in Strategy & Innovation

Relevance to Air University Board of Visitors
-  Advisory Council, US Space Force Association
-  Board of Advisors, University of Nebraska, College of Law – Space Law & Cyber Law post-JD programs
-  Board of Directors, Eisenhower School for National Security & Resource Strategy Association
-  Member of the American Bar Association (ABA)
    --  Space Law Committee
    --  Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Committee
    --  Public Contract Acquisition Reform Committee
    --  Battlespace & Contingency Procurement Committee