Sept. 12, 2024 Airpower at Any Scale The possibilities of small, uncrewed vehicles drive us toward a key question: How can airpower work together with our sister services to achieve victory together?
Sept. 12, 2024 Contesting the Air Littoral The US Air Force should drive a reinvention of airpower concepts, including that of air superiority, as well as the close air mission, to fulfill its purpose and role as master of the air domain.
Sept. 12, 2024 Arming for the Air Littoral: The Defense Industrial Base and Future Air Warfare To effectively contest the air littoral, the US Air Force must focus on capabilities, not programs, invest in scaling cutting-edge technologies, and develop a workforce that continuously upgrades the subdomain’s systems and software.
Sept. 12, 2024 Beyond Air Superiority: The Growing Air Littoral and 21st Century Airpower Airmen today must see airpower as neither inherently offensive nor defensive, not contingent on first gaining air superiority, and neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for success in modern military operations.
Sept. 12, 2024 The Air-Ground Littoral and Great Power Conflict The Army should be the air-ground littoral owner, and the battlespace should be qualified as an extension of the ground domain, providing necessary flexibility to the land component commander.
Sept. 12, 2024 Liminality: Opportunities in the Transition Space of the Air Littoral Irregular warfare theory and systems thinking connect disparate fields to demonstrate how the Air Force can operate and outmaneuver adversaries in the air littoral in what is ultimately a cognitive fight.