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Aether Journal Articles

  • Military Necessity: Policy-Capability Tensions

    Conducting cyberspace operations outside of armed conflict but consistent with LOAC principles limits USCYBERCOM to a best-tool approach to national security. Reframing conflict as strategic competition restores military necessity’s flexibility.

  • Deter-Defend-Defeat: Succeed in 3D

    Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower is pleased and honored to feature the French Air and Space Force Strategic Vision for 2022 by General Stèphane Mille, Chief of Staff of the French Air and Space Forces.

  • Letter from the Editor

    Introductory letter for the Fall 2022 issue of Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower.

  • Book Reviews

    Book Review highlights in Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower Volume 1 Issue 2. 

  • Not Cyberwar, but Cyberbalance

    Most cyberattacks are attempts to alter the balance of power. States can affect the balance of power by decreasing their competitors power or “handicapping.” The internet’s decreased costs and global scope have moved handicapping to a central role in international

  • Multi-Actor Deterrence: Defining the Concept

    US strategies and plans must work within a complex scenario that demands a multi-actor deterrence strategy. This strategy is necessary to contend with a security environment that features nuclear proliferation, cyber and space threats, and regional and hybrid conflicts.

  • Nuclear Modernization and the Sentinel ICBM

    An analysis of US nuclear force structure reveals the necessity of modernizing the ground-based, submarine, and bomber legs of the nuclear triad. The US must exceed the nuclear capabilities and modernization efforts of its adversaries, including modernizing an aging ICBM fleet.

  • Nuclear Targeting Methods and Modern Deterrence

    Counterforce targeting requires modification. Tailored targeting matches adversary vulnerabilities and American political objectives to produce unique targeting solutions. These solutions for various contingencies create a continuum of effective deterrent options.

  • NATO at 70: Peace in a Changing Security Environment

    Europe is fragmented, Russia has expanded, and the US has waffled in its stewardship of the liberal order. Long-standing Alliance relationships have been questioned, yet NATO remains the best way to keep the peace in a changing security environment.