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Aether Journal Articles

  • Deterrent and Defensive Applications of Orbital Antisatellite Weapons

    Deterrence-focused US and ally orbital antisatellite capabilities should be acknowledged to signal resolve and the threat of cost imposition. Simultaneously, highly specialized defense-focused systems benefit from continued classification, even though this detracts from deterrent effects.

  • Terrestrial Responses to Space Aggression

    Successful deterrence of aggression in space involves identifying terrestrial targets and creating a symbolic relationship between those targets and space aggression, such that all parties have a shared understanding of the association and the terrestrial implications for attacks against space-based

  • US Space Command’s Deterrent Role

    An examination of deterrence theory and the US and Soviet experience before, during, and after the 1983 Able Archer exercise provide insights for a successful approach to deterrence in space focused on stratified deterrence, dissuasion deterrence, control of space, and resilience.

  • Letter from the Editor

    Letter introducing Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower, Volume 2, Number 3, Fall 2023

  • Foreword

    The USAF has only recently begun to address moral injury from an institutional standpoint. This special issue can be a starting point for discussions about moral injury in the squadron, among peers, and within families.

  • A Conversation about Moral Injury

    Retired US Air Force colonels Dave Lewis and Dr. Paul Nelson discuss moral injury from the perspectives of their active duty experiences and their current work with veterans.

  • Clear the Beds

    Chief Master Sergeant David Nordel, USAF, Retired, shares his moral injury experience in Iraq as an RN and offers recommendations for healing and resiliency.

  • Living with Killing: WWII US Bomber Crews

    An analysis of Dave Grossman’s five factors of the likelihood of killing finds World War II bomber crews experienced significant psychological trauma, including moral injury.