  • Promo video for the Community College of the Air Force featuring the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass's speech at the 50th anniversary CCAF graduation. Community College of the Air Force
    Community College of the Air Force
  • CCAF graduate Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson tells his story about how the CCAF was so instrumental in his life and education. CCAF Stories - Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson
    CCAF Stories - Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson
  • The Community College of the Air Force is a federally-chartered academic institution that serves the United States Air Force's enlisted total force. We partner with 112 affiliated Air Force schools and 300 Education Service Offices located worldwide to serve approximately 270,000 active, guard, and reserve enlisted personnel, making CCAF the world's largest community college system. The college annually awards over 22,000 associate in applied science degrees from 71 degree programs. 

We strive to meet the demands of the Air Force's expeditionary environment and at the same time help airmen achieve their educational goals by capitalizing on job-related training and education as part of flexible degree completion programs.

Within our website you'll find information about our degree programs, our certification and licensure programs, and our regional accreditation. So whether you're a prospective or current student, an education counselor, a recruiter, or a commander, we've designed this website to provide valuable information about higher education opportunities with CCAF. You're Already a College Student
    You're Already a College Student

    Students are enrolled automatically upon completion of Basic Training

  • CMSgt Alexius Reid, the command chief of Air University's Community College of the Air Force, describes experiential and educational opportunities within Air Force careers and training that encourage leadership growth. Pathways to Leadership
    Pathways to Leadership
  • J.R. Breeding, associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Air University's Community College of the Air Force, describes his passion for assisting Airmen in achieving their academic goals, how pursuing credentials and educational opportunities makes someone more marketable professionally, and offers advice on available resources that many students may not be aware of. Motivation and Marketability
    Motivation and Marketability
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The Air University Registrar processes all outbound transcript requests. 

For details on how to request a transcript, please visit the AU Registrar website.

For questions on processing timelines, please contact the registrar’s office using available options HERE.

Student Handbook

CCAF Student Handbook

CCAF in the News

More CCAF News

  • CCAF graduate Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson tells his story about how the CCAF was so instrumental in his life and education. Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson Explains CCAF Success
    Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson Explains CCAF Success

    CCAF graduate Chaplain Captain Christopher Thompson tells his story about how the CCAF was so instrumental in his life and education.

  • The Air University now recognizes UND’s Bachelor of General Studies program, which allows Airmen to apply 64 credits from their CCAF associate degrees to the local institution’s BGS degree. Associate-to-Baccalaureate
  • Promotional video of the Air Force Credentialing Opportunities Online program.  Created by the ANG Training and Education Center Television unit (TECTV). Air Force Credentialing Opportunities
    Air Force Credentialing Opportunities
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  • On this episode of AFCLC TV, we chatted with Lt. Col. Thomas Talafuse, Commander, Community College of the Air Force, on educational opportunities for the enlisted force through CCAF. AFCLC TV: Educating the Enlisted Force with CCAF
    AFCLC TV: Educating the Enlisted Force with CCAF

    On this episode of AFCLC TV, we chatted with Lt. Col. Thomas Talafuse, Commander, Community College of the Air Force, on educational opportunities for the enlisted force through CCAF.

  • The Community College of the Air Force is a federally-chartered academic institution that serves the United States Air Force's enlisted total force. We partner with 112 affiliated Air Force schools and 300 Education Service Offices located worldwide to serve approximately 270,000 active, guard, and reserve enlisted personnel, making CCAF the world's largest community college system. The college annually awards over 22,000 associate in applied science degrees from 71 degree programs. CCAF Pharmacy - TSgt Lariccia
    CCAF Pharmacy - TSgt Lariccia
  • The Community College of the Air Force is a federally-chartered academic institution that serves the United States Air Force's enlisted total force. We partner with 112 affiliated Air Force schools and 300 Education Service Offices located worldwide to serve approximately 270,000 active, guard, and reserve enlisted personnel, making CCAF the world's largest community college system. The college annually awards over 22,000 associate in applied science degrees from 71 degree programs. My Academic Journey
    My Academic Journey
  • Community College of the Air Force interviews Anthony Melchiorri about his time during the Air Force and his personal experiences while in the service. CCAF interviews Anthony Melchiorri
    CCAF interviews Anthony Melchiorri
  • The information contained within this presentation does not reflect the opinion of the Air Force, Department of Defense, the U.S. Government, or its employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Such references are not an official or personal endorsement of any product, person, or service, and may not be quoted or reproduced for the purpose of stating or implying Air Force endorsement or approval of any product, person, or service.

The views expressed in this interview are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. Dan Ringo - Airman to CEO
    Dan Ringo - Airman to CEO
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